Numbers - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 151

The Five Books of Moses

NUMBERS.· 81---22 21—··4 Kzirzut inwmrnn ily: in nf Wah;. Then they marched from the Peak

of the Highlands towards the Sea of Weeds, and skirtcd the land of Edom, but the retreat depressed the spirit of the People, so the People spoke against Gon, and against Moses, Why have you brought us up from

the Mitzeraim to die in a desert, where there is neither bread, nor water, and our spirits depressed by The Loan there- fore sent to the People indammatory serpents, who stung the People, and grgreat number of the people of Israel ize . Then the People came to Moses

and said, °‘ We have sinned; because we have spoken against the Evan- Lxvxxm and against you. Pray to ]m~xovAH that He may send the ser- pents away from usl S0 Moses prayed on account of the

People. Then the EvER·L1vmG said Make for yourself a Fiery Serpent, and put it up as a standard, and it shall be that when anyone

is stung, he can look upon it and Elia §ra52u Serpent mah:. g Then Moses made a serpent of brass, and set it up as a standard, and when anyone was stung by a serpent and looked upon that serpent of brass, he lived. M12 marrly ln Nrxxily mth kit. ro The children of Israel afterwards marched, and encamped in Aboth. KI I2 Then they marched to Aye·on-the- fords, in the desert which is facing Moab, away from the rising sun. From there they marched and en- camped at the brook of Arad, From there they marched and encamped at the ford of Amon which is in the desert that extends as a boundary for the Amorites; for the Amon was the boundary between Moab and the The Book of the Wars of the Lord ’ ‘At Suf he was parched, and the gorges of Amon-, The cliffs that lean down from the dwellings of Ar, And slope to the boundary of Moab. 1 Note, V. 11. That is, upon the western side of Moab.·-··F. F. _9 Note. I think the last clause of verse 13,

and on to the end of verse :6, is an explana- tory note of a copyist of a later time, and not part of the diary of Moses.·—·F. F. And from there tothe Well} This is the Well where the Evals

Let the people rest, and provide them waterl Then Israel sang this song, Sung at ily: mall. ‘ Spring up Well to refresh us ; Dug by rejoicing princes ; By the People’s Chiefs and Ruler ;——~ A refreshing gift in the Desert! And a gift from the rivers of Gon, From the rivers of Gon in the hills. From the heights it passed to the valley; To Moab’s plain from the Peak of Pisgah, Andi clothed the face of the I kxtbussehnrs sent in Kilian.

Then Israel sent ambassadors to Sihon, king ofthe Amorites, saying; x6 18 20


{inquest in Marr}; ilyrmxgl; kxtntnzt, ‘ I wish to pass through your 22 country. I will not extendainto the farms and vineyards. I will not drink water from the wells, and I will march on the Traveller’s Highway 1 Note upon verses :8-zo. Part of v. 18 and

all verses xg, 20 are in A.V., and R.V., trans- lated as a description of marches, not as I do, But to take those verses as geographical names is a clear contradiction to the context, which states that the lsraelite army was on the borders of Moab and the Amorltes. awaiting for permission to pass over, not nve marches ···-roo miles-—from there; as Eve marches in Oriental reckoning would have been. There- f the sonof d t fore I reahem as a part og thanksgiving for nndlng t e well after the long waterless marches. However, I here add the usual version of

the verses as translated in a jargon of Hebrew and English, for those who prefer tt. And

from the Wilderness they went to Mattanah: and from Mattanah to Nahallel: and from Nahallel to Bamoth: and from Bamoth in the valley, that is in the country of Moab, to the top of Pisgah, which looketh towards jeshimonf To further prove that verses 18 towvm are

a part of thc‘Song of the Well, and not a series of geographical names, consult Ch. xxxiii., vv. 47-5c, wherein the Way-book of the Marchings no mention is made of any such places or journeys, as all former crane- latorsmake the verses above seem to be. rv··-F. .

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0151

The History of the People of Israel