Your EvER»L1V1NG Gon has given you this country to possess, but you must march fully equipped in the front of your brothers the chila dren of Israel, with all your forces. However the women and children, and cattle, (for I know you have many cattle,) may remain in the cities which I have given you, until the EVER—LIVING has settled your brothers like yourselves, and they are also in possession of the country which their Ev·s1z·r.1v1Nc; Gon will give to them, beyond the jordan; then you may each return? I also commanded joshua at that
Your eyes have seen all that your Even-mvmo Gon has done to thesetwo kings ;——the EVER- V. rx, in parentheses, is an ancient edi 1 bb1E·‘e¢£1lt°rii note pro a y zras no par 0 tes e , P ec of Mbses.-··-F. F. rr (Og, king of Bashan was of the remnant ofthe race of the Rephaim. He can be seen h of iron which i l ying upon a coucs pre- served n Rabath of the Ammouites. Its length is nine cubits, and breadth four cubits, by the common cubit.) The parenthesis is the note of an old
Hebrew editor, not part of the eration of Moses.·-·F. F. (As they are to this day.}
LIVING will do the same to all the kingdoms which are over there. Fear them not, for your EvER—LlVING GOD will fight for you. And at that time I implored the
ALM1o1—1·ry LGRD You have now begun to show to Your servant Your grandeur, and Your Strong Hand. What Pownn in Heaven or on earth can do as You have done with YOUR MIGHT P Let me, I pray, go over, and see this beautiful country that is beyond the jordan;-—··those beautiful hills and But the EvER—L1v1No was angry with me because of you, and would not listen to me, and the Let this be enough for you, Continue not to speak to Me again about this matter. G0 up, to the top of Pisgah, and carry your eyes westward, and northward, and southward, and eastward, and see itwith your eyes ;-—for you shall not pass over this river lordan. ‘ Therefore command joshua, and
encourage, and strengthen him, for he shall go over before the people, and he shall conquer for them the country that you will survey! We were then staying, in the valley near Beth-peor. Consequently, now, Israel, listen
to the constitutions and decrees which I will teach you to practise, that you may live, and go, and pos· sess the country which the EVER- LIVING GOD of your fathers will give. you. You shall not add to the matter that I command you, nor shall you detract from it, but keep the commands of your EvnR—L1v1NG Goo, as I have commanded you. Your eyessaw what the Evnx—1.1v1NG did because of Bai-peor,——how_. the EVER»L1V1.NG destroyed A every man who went after Bal-peor among you. But you who kept fast to your EVER- LIVING GOD are all of you alive to— day! Attend to me as I teach. you thc
constitutions and decrees which the EVER-L1Vx,NG, my Gob, commands you to practise when you arrive in the countxywhich you are going to possess, mid guard them, and prac- tisethem;-~for they will make you wise and i11te1ligent· in the eyes of the Peoples who hear of all these This is at wise and intelligent ‘People—this For what nation is