fore your Ev$R—L1v1NG GOD at Horeb, when the E~vmz·1.1vmc commanded Collect the People to_ Me, and I will let them hear what they must learn, so that they may fear Me all the time they live on the earth, and So you ap— preached and stood below the hill, whilst the hill burned with nre up to the heart of the skies, with darkness, cloud, and gloom. There the EVER- LIVING spoke to you from the midst of the tire. You heard a Voice speaking to you l——but no Image ap- pearing! A VOICE alone l··—And it informed you of the Covenant which He commanded you to practise; the Ten Command ments,——and wrote them upon two tables of stone. But to me,. the Evan ~ Lxvmo
ordered at that time to teach Y¤¤— the constitutions and decrees, whichyou were to practise in the land into which you would pass, to possess it. Therefore you must guard your minds very carefully,-—·for you did not see any SHAPE on the day the Evan-Lxvmo spoke with you in Horeb, from the m dst of the tire, from wickedly makirg fo yourselves a carved SHA1>a,—-any Image; or model of Man or Woman; or form of any beast that is upon the earth; form of any bird which flies in the sky; form of any reptile on the ground; form of any nsh that is in the waters lower than the earth; Or, if you raise your eyes heaven- ward, and see the sun, or the moon, or the stars,-—·all the host of the skies, -5- and bow to, and worship them, and serve those which your EVER-LIVING GOD has apportioned to all the nations under all the skies: For the Evnn~1,1v1No selected you,
and brought you from the iron works of the Mitzeraim, to be a People for Himself;-——as you are- to-day. But the Evnxemvmc was angry with me over your adairs, and swore to pre- vent me crossing the jordan, and to prevent me arriving at the beautiful country which your Evan-LIVING GOD has given to you to possess! For _I must diein this country?-I 22 may not pass over the jordan !-——but you will pass over, and possess that beautilul land! Guard yourselves hem forgetting
the covenant ot your EVER-L1v1NG GOD, which He contracted with you, for fear you should make for your- selves a carved image,·—contrary to the command of your Evm1—L1v1NG Gon; for your Evmz-mvmo Gon is a consuming tire;···eHn is a jealous Gon! When you have begotten children
and children’s children, and are in the country, and have corrupted yourselves, audmake carved images, and do evil in the eyes of your EVER- LIVING GOD, provokingllim ;-+-I call to witness to-day the Heavens and the Earth to witness to you, that perishing gon shall perish quickly from od e land which you pass over the jordan to possess ;-—·-your time shall not be prolonged in it; but you shall certainly waste away; and the Evan-Ltvmo will scatter you among the nations, and your remnant shall die as a number among the nations where the EVER-LIVING has driven you. And you shall there serve gods made by human hands! of wood, and stone; who cannot see, or hear,_or eat, or `breathel But if you should from there entreat, your Evan-Lxvmc Gon, and decide to seek HIM with all your heart, and with all your soul,-—·strengthen your- selves, and encourage yourselves with all these events, after long periods, and return to your Evan- IJVING Gon, and listen to His voice; f01‘ ' 01.11* E —·-·VER-LIVING GOD is a merciél 601:;--·I-Ie will not desert you, and will not turn from you, and will not forget; the covenant with your fathers, which He swore- ·to them.——Therefore search, now, the former times that were before you, hrom the time when Gonconstrueted man upon the earth,—~and from one extreme ofthe heavens to the other extreme of the hea.vens,—has there ever been such a. great event as this ? or has there been hea.rd.its1ike? a People who heard the Voxcmof *75 26