Deuteronomy (The Speeches of Moses) - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 176

The Five Books of Moses

THE SPEECHES OF MOSES. 4--34 4-48 the Bra, as

34 you heardit,·—andlived?..ort11at GOD attempted to go and take for Himself one nation from the breast of another nation, with ·t1·ials, with miracles, and d wrand with a. st ggrtcuts, ana, rong nd, and a directing arm, and great manifestations, such as all those your 35 Evxxsmvixc Gon has made in your sight upon the for you? Then sec, and learn that the EVER- Lxvmc is Gon,-—a¤d except Him NONE !——From the heavens you have heard Hxs Vo1cat—-when He taught you,·-and upon earth you have seen His Great Firel —·and heard His commands &om the midst oft the

37 fire; because He loved your fathers, and chose their race after them., and te of an ancient edi 1 Vv._4;—--4*; are a notor, not a part 0 the textrof Moses. This note was most probably written by Ezra.-·»F. F. 4: (At this period Moses selected three cities ore: the J ordan towards the sun-

42 rise, for the ¤1a¤·slayer, who might- kill his ° neighbour accidentally, whom e had not ioushatedto Bto··-that he mi Krevly , y ,ght to one or those Cirrus or Gon and live.

43 'X%¤Y were in the desert in the dis- trict of I Mlsher, for the Reubenites, and Ramoth ln Ghilad for the Gadites, and Golem in Bashan, for the Manassites.)* *Vv. 44--48 are also a note cfm ancient

editor, probably Ezra, as the remark that Moses on the Eastern side of jordan iitdl¤¤%¢¤ the commentator as lookln§ from the Western Lside-sahgemsalem, A these are internal Froofsro ‘ eauthentlcity of the main text.-·» . F. brought you by His great might to His Pnnsmecn from among the Mit- zeraim, and will drive great and 38 more powerful nations than you before your face, to bring you to, to give you,—-—-theircountry as a pos- ses·sion,—-as at this day! gTheref0re 39 learn to-day,—-and Hx it in your heart,-—that the Evn1z·z.xv1uc, He is Goo in heaven, and upon the earth, and except HIM there is no other! So keep His institutions, and His 40 commandments, which I commanded you to·day, that you may prosper, and your children after you ; and then your days will be long upon the land which your Evan- Lrvmc Gon will give to you for all time} ese were a ointed there b Moses glthlgqy 44 foe children fsrael. The following are also Constitutional 45 Enactments and Decrees which Moses dictated to the children of! Israel at their comin? out hom the Mitzeralm, at the ford o the Lordan, in the valley opposite Beth-peor, the country-of S hon king 46 of the Amorites, who resided in Heshbon whom Moses and the children of Israel defeated upon their coming out hom the Mitzeraim, when the; seized his country, 47 and the country of g, king of Bashan, both kings of the Arnorites who were beyond the jordan, toward the risinof g the sun, extending hom Aroar, whio is 48 tion the bank of the river Amon, to the lp_ lll of Shian,-that is Hermon,-—and all the plain be ond the Jordan towards th e sun-rise, anlto the Sea ofthe Plain, below the feet of Plsgah,. Eno or run Fmsr Oiwrxou.

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0176

The History of the People of Israel