Deuteronomy (The Speeches of Moses) - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 178

The Five Books of Moses

THE SPEECHES OF MOSES. 5-28 28 33 that our EVER·LIv1NG GOD dictates to you, and we will listen to it, and And the Evmz-Lxvxm; heard the

voice of your speeches when you spoke to me, and the Evxm-L1v1NG I have heard the voice of this People speaking to you. All they have said is beautiful! What would I give if there were such a heart in them to attend to Me, and to keep all My commands for all time? Then there would be prosperity to them and to all their children for ever !-·—Go! tell them to return to their tents. But you, stay here, and I will dictate to you all My Commands, and the Constitutions, and Decrees, which you must teach them to prac- tise in the country which I will give Therefore you must practise them as your EvER·L1v1NG Gon commanded you ;-~you shall not turn away to the right or the left. You shall walk in every way as your EvER·L1v1NG GoD commanded you, so that you may live, and prosper, aud lengthen your days in the country which you shall possess. 6 And these are the commands, and constitutions, and decrees which your Ev1m—L1v1.i~1c; Gon commands you to learn to practise in the land to which you will pass over to possess. So you must fear your EvER—L1v1NG GOD, and preserve all the Constitu~ tions,tand Commandments, which I command you ;-··~you and your chil- dren, and the children of your chil- dren, all the time of your life. Listen, therefore, Israel! and keep and prac~ tise them,···~so that you may prosper, and sothat you may increase greatly, as your Ev1¤:R—L1v1NG Gon promised to your fathers;-—-upon entering into the land flowing with milk and honey! Listen, Israel l Our EVER·L1v1NG

GOD is a Single LIFE. Therefore love your Evnn»r.1v1Ne Goo with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. And let these words that I command you to- day be in your heart; and teach them to your sons, and speak about them when sitting in your house, and in travelling on your journeys, and when lying down,—and when rising up. Bind them also as orna- ments upon your hands, and as front- lets between your eyes, and write them upon the doors of your house


and upon your gates. And then when your EvnR—L1v1NG Gon brings you to the country which He promised to your fathers;-·to Abraham, to Isaac, d to ]acob,——to give t ano you eat and beautiful cities that you iiuilt not; and houses full of furniture that you did not make; and many for- tresses which you did not fortify ; vine- yards and olive yards which you did not plant ;—where you may eat and be satisfied;-—take care to yourselves lest you forget the EvER·L1v1NG Who brought you from the land of the Mitzeraim,-—from the house of bond- ass! Fear your-Even-mvme Gon, and

serve Him, and swear by His Name. You must not go after other gods, than GOD ;·~—those of the Peoples

around you,-~for your EvER·Lxv1NG GOD is a jealous GOD. Guard your- selves lest the anger of your EVER- LIVING GOD should burn against you, and He should destroy you from 0H the face of the land. You shall not try your EVER-

LIVING GOD, as you tried Him in Masah. You shall carefully preserve the commands of your EVER-LIVING GOD, and His proofs, and His con- stitutions that He ordered you. And you shall practise justice, and Right in the sight of the Evnrz·1.1v1Nc;, so that you may prosper and possess that beautiful country where the Evan-Lrvxue promised to your fathers to repulse all your enemies before you ;··~·as the EVER-LIVING will do. When your son enquires of you

Why did the Even-Lrvmo Gon order these Proofs and Constitutions and Decmcs for You shall answer to your son; ‘ We were slaves to Pharoh in Mit-

zemim, and the EVER-L1v1NG brought us out from among the Mitzerites with a. strong hand. Andihe EvER— LIVING produced great wonders, and portents, and inflicted sufferings on the Mitzerites, `upon Pharohd and upon all his family in our sight; but brought us from there, and brought us up to give us this country which He had promised to our fathers. Therefore the Even-Lrvxus com- manded us to practise all these con- stitutions, and to fear our EVER- LIVING GOD, for ourobeneiit, all the time of _0ur 1ives,·—·-as at this day. And it is right for us that we should 178 IO II I2 16 18 20 ZI 22

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The History of the People of Israel