7 For your Evmz—L1v1NG Gon will bring you to the country which you IO II X2 are now going to seize, to plunder nations more numerous than your- selves,-··the Khithites and the Ghet- gashites and the Amorites, and the Cauanites, and the Perizites, and the Hivites, and the ]ebusites—seven nations more numerous and stronger than yourselves, whom your EVER- LIVING GOD will deliver up before you, and you will defeat them. Destroy them, and make no treaty with them; and do not pity them! Do not marry with them; give not your deugliter to his son, nor take his daughter for your son,—for it will turn you-r heart from following ME, and you will serve other gods; when the anger of the EVER-
Lxvmc will bum against you, and He will destroy you quickly. Conse- quently you shall do this to' them; you shall throw down their altars; and break their columns; and smash their shrines; and melt their cast images in the tire; because you are a People devoted to your EVER- Lxviue Gon. Your Even-Lxvme GOD chose you to be a People for Himself,——separated from all the Peoples who are upon the face of the earth l-·~Has He not increased you more than all the Peoples? The EVER·1.Iv1NG did not unite with you because you were the most numerous of the Peoples;-·but chose you when you were the least of all the Peoples; and the Evniz-Ltvmo loved you be- cause of keeping the oath which He swore to your fatl1ers,~···tl1erefore the EvER·L1v1NG brought you out with a strong hand, and freed you from the House of Bondage, from the hand of Pharoh king of the Mitzeraim! Therefore know that the Evan- Lrvmo is Go1>;——the Gon Who faith- fully keeps His covenant, and shows favour to those who love Him and regard His commands, for a thousand generations; but repays His enemies, those who hate Him, to their face, by destroying them. He will not delay to repay those who hate Him to their face. Therefore preserve the Com- mandments, and the Constitutions, and the Decrees which I command you to-day, and practise them. For there will be a reward if you listen to these decrees, and preserve, and practise them,··—-for your Even- Lrvmc Gon will keep the covenant, and the favour which He promised to your fathers, and will love you, and bless you, and increase the fruit of your body, and the fruit of your grounds ; your corn,your grapes, and your oil ;·—·-your cattle shall breed, and your sheep bring forth upon the ground which He promisedvto your fathers to give to you! You shall be more blessed than any People! Neither male nor female shall be sterile among you, nor your cattle barren. And the EvER·L1v1NG will turn from you every disease and sick- ness of the Mitzerites,—the sufferings that you know ;·~—He will not lay them upon you, but will put them on all whohate you; therefore you shall consume all the Peoples whom your Even-uvmo Goo gives to you; Your eye shall not have pity on them; nor serve their gods, for they will be your snare. If, however, your heart should say
These nations are more numerous than I,--1 am not able to fear them not! Remember what your EVER-Livmo GOD did to Pharoh and to all the Mitzerites ;—·-the great calamities that your eyes saw, and the wonders, and the portents, and the strong hand, and the directing arm with which your EvER—L1v1NG GOD brought you out! Your Evan-Livmo Gon will do the same to all the Peoples before whom you are afraid! Your EVER-!..1v1NG GOD will also send upon them fever, to destroy the remnants who hide themselves from you l You shall not be pursued by them, for your EVER- L1v1NG GOD is among you,-——aG1zEA‘1‘ Gon OfLIGH‘1`. Your Evan-uvmo GOD, however, will drive these nations before you little by little,+—you shall not be able to master them quickly, for fear the beasts of the field should multiply upon you. But your EVER- LxvlNG GOD will displace them before you, and dissolve with much con- fusion until they perish. And He will deliver their kings to your hand, and you shall destroy their names from under the skies ;-—not a man can stand before yon, until you have desolated them. You shall burn their carved gods with fire. You shall not desire the gold and silver 16 18 20 21 22 they are made of, or take it for