Deuteronomy (The Speeches of Moses) - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 180

The Five Books of Moses



IO yourselves, for fear you should be eu- 26 snared by it; for you must serve the Evan-x.1vmo,—I—1e is your Gov; therefore you shall not bring their foul practices into your house,-but you shall be pure,—-for what con- taminated them will contaminate you; and what defiled them will deiile you.-—Therefore be pure. You must regard all the commands,

that I order you to-day, in practice, so that you may live and increase, and go to seize the country that the EVER-LIVING promised to your fathers. But remember how all the way your EvER—L1v1NG GOD led you these forty years in the desert, to try you, to prove you, to examine you. whether you would keep His Com- mands from your heart or not. Therefore He afflicted you, and hungered you, and fed you with mana, which you had not known, nor had your fathers known,--so that man lives not by bread alone,—·but that man lives by all that comes from the mouth of the EvER—L1v1Nc. Your clothes were not rags, nor your feet shoeless in those forty years; and you knew in your heart that as a man instructs his son, your EVER- LIVING GOD instructed you; there- fore keep the Commands of your Evan-uvmc. Goo, and walk in His paths, and fear Him; for your EVER- LIVING Goo brings you to this beau- tiful land;-·~a land of brooks of water, springs, and torrents, coming out of the valleys, and out of the hills ;——a country of wheat and barley, and vines and figs, and pomegranates; a land of olive oil and honey! A country where you will not eat from stores! Bread shall never fail at all in it. A land where the rocks have iron, and from whose hills you can dig copper l Where you can eat and B11 yourselves, and bless your EVER- Lzvmc; GOD over the beautiful land He has given to you! Take care of yourselves lest you

should forget the EvEx—L1v1Nc—, your Gon. Only keep His Commandments, and Decrees, and Institutions, which I command you to·day, for fear when you eat and are full, and have built yourselves beautiful houses,and reside in them, and your cattle, and your sheep multiply, and your silver and gold have increased, and all your pos- sessions have grown,-··and your heart rises,—·then you might forget your EvnR—L1viN<; Gon Who brought you up out of the land of the Mitzeraim, from the House of Bondage. Who

led you through this great desert where you saw the fiery serpents and scorpions, and the dry waterless land, where He brought you water from

the iiinty rock,——-feeding you in the desert with mana which neither you nor you? fathers had known ;——·so that He might try you, with the purpose of ultimately benefiting. You, however,. may say to your

I have obtained this power by my own courage, and the vigour -·-Yet remember it was your Even-Lrvmo Gon Who gave you that courage, and granted that power, so that He might establish the covenant which He swore to your fathers;-—as He does to-day. But if ever it comes that you forget

your Evnnmivmo Gon, and go after other gods, and serve and worship them,——·I bear witness to you to- day, that you shall perish, like the nations the EvER—L1v1NG destroyed from before you,--thus you shall perish,——·because you did not listen gn the voice of your EvaR·1.1viNc OD. Eno or rim Seconn Oaarxou. •¤- Il I2 I6 18 20

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0180

The History of the People of Israel