Mitzeraim with a strong hand. Remember your servants Abraham, and Isaac, and jacob. Tum not to amict this People for its wickedness and for its sin; lest the country from which You brought them should Because the EVER-LIVING was not able to bring them to the land which He promised, and because He hated them He brought them out to kill them in the desert. They are also Your People, and Your Inherit— ance, whom You brought out by Your Great Power, and with a directing Then the EVER-1.1v1NG said to me,
‘Cut two tables of stone, like the former ones, and come up to ME to the Hill. Also make an ark of wood. And I will write upon the tables the Commandments that were upon the former tables, that you broke, and I consequently made an ark of acacia wood, and cut two tables of stone, like the first ones, and ascended the Hill with the two tables in my hands, and He wrote upon the tables the same writing as upon the former ones,——the Ten Commandments, which your EvER—L1v1NG GOD pro- claimed on the Hill, from amid the tire, on the day of the Public Assembly, Then the EVER-LIVING gave them to me. So I turned and descended from the Hill, and placed the two tables in the ark thexle, as the EVERJJVING instructed me. I then remained on the Hill, as at
the previous time, forty days and forty nights, and the EVER-LIVING listened to me also again, that He should not desire to wreck you. So Arise! Proceed! March before the People, and let them go on and seize the coun- try which I promised to their fathers to give to them. And now, Israel, what your EVER-
LIVING GOD asks of you is ;—'1`hat you should fear your EVER-LIVING GOD, and walk in all His ways, and love Him,and serve your EVER-L1V1NG GOD, with all your heart, and all your life; and to keep the command~ ments of the Evmz-L1v1No, and all His institutions, which I have com- manded you this day for your own benefit. Look! The heavens, and the
heaven of the heavens,——the earth and all it contains, belong to your EVER-Lxvxuo GOD. Yet t e Eva1z· L1v1NG chose to love your fathers, and He selected their race after them from all the Peoples,-——as at this day, therefore circumcise the ilesh of
your hearts, and never stiifen your necks, for your EvER—LIv1NG GOD is a Gon of Goes, and ALM1GH*rY of Arnicurms, the GREAT Gon, the POWERFUL, and the ENLIGHTENER; Who will not regard appearances,
and will not take bribes! Who does justice to the orphan and the widow, and loves to give bread and clothes to the stranger. Therefore you should xo rr 16 18
1 Vv. 6—-g are a note of an ancient editor t a art of the seech of Moses. Th noppey are probe ly anote ofEzra’s, made after the return rom Babylon, but have been by a transcriber widely misplaced, for they have not the lvusc connection with the subject ofthe text.-—F. F. (Afterwards the children of Israel
marched from the Wells of the son of Yakan, to Moserah, where Aaron died, and was buried, and Aliazer his son was made priest in his stood From there they marched to G-udgudah, and from Gnd- gudah to Yatbathnli, a country of water brooks. At that period the Evan-mvxno separated the tribe of Levi to bear with Aaron thc Covenant of the Evnxi-Lxvxno, to stand before the Even-mvmo to odiciate, and to bless in His Name until to·day. Consequently there is not a portion or an inheritance for the tribe of Levi with its brothers. The Evacu- Lxvmc is its inheritance, as your Evan- that I had made.·——-and they are I r.1v1x~mG0Dsaidtoi¢.) -U.·