serve Him, and hold to Him, and swear by His Name. Hs led you, and He is your Gov, Who produced for you those great things, and the revelations that your eyes saw. Your fathers went down to the
Mitzeraim as seventy persons, and now your EVER-r.1v1Nc Gon has collected you as a multitude like the stars of the heaveusl Therefore love your EvER~L1v1NG
GOD, and carefully regard Him, and His Institutions, and His Decrees, and His Commands for all time; and learn them to—day. For you are not children who have not known, and have not seen the corrections of your EVER-LIVING GOD,—-—His greatness, and His strong hand, and His direct- ing erm, and His wonders, and the events that He effected in the midst of the Mitzerites,-—upon Pharoh, king of the Mitzerairn, and all his country; and what He did to the army of the Mitzerites, to their horsemen, and to their chariots;——how the sea,-~the Sea of Suf,——·rushed over their heads when they followed after you,-how the EvER·L1v1NG destroyed them on that day. Also what He did for you in the desert, until you arrived at this spot; and what He did to Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Aliab, the son of Reuben; —·»how they earth opened her mouth and swallowed them, and their homes, and their tents; and the whole of their supporters, slay- ing, them in the centre of all Israel. For your eyes have seen all the great events that the EvER4L1v1NG has done,-—therefore. attend to all the commands that I command you to·day, so that- you may be hearty, and go and seize the ~ country that you are advancing to possess; and so that you may lengthen Your stay upon the land which the Even- 1.1vmG swore to your fathers to give to themyand to their race;-—-va land flowing with milk and honey. or the cunt Fory you are going to possess is not like the lan of the Mitzeraim, whence you.! come, where you sowed your seed, and watered it on your feet, like a vegetable garden_;—-but the country you are advancing to possess is a land of hills and vales, and of rain from the skies, refreshed with water ; I1···-25
a land that your Ev2n—1.1vme Gon
visits ;—-the eyes of your EVER-LIVING GOD are continually upon it, from the Hrst of the year until the last of the year.·—So it will happen, if you attentively listen to my commands that I command you to—day, and love your Evan—1.1vme Gon, and serve Him with all your heart, and with all your life, that I will give rain upon your land at the season of sprouting, and of ripening, and you shall harvest your corn, and your wine, and your oil., I will also give herbage upon your. Holds for your cattle, that you may eat and be satisfied. But guard yourselves from seducing your hearts, and turning to serve other gods, and worshipping them. For then the anger of the EvER—L1v1NG will burn against you, and He will shut the skies, and there will be no rain, and the land will not give _ its increase, and you will soon perish from upon thebeautiful country which the Evan- L1v1NG gave you. Therefore hx these words upon your hearts, and upon your souls, and bind them as orna- ments upon your hands, and let them be as frontletsbetween your eyes, and teach. them to your children, to talk about in your homes, in your families, and in your journeys on the road, and atyour lyi¤8.down, and rising up! Write them also upon the doors of your house, and upon your gates, so that you may increase your days, and the days of your children upon the ground which the EVER-LIVING promised toyour fathers to give to them as long as the skies endured over the earth l-For if you carefully keep all these commands which I command you tor practise, and love your Evan-Lrviuo G·OD,`&I1d walk in all His ways, and adhere to Him, then the Evnn~1.1v1No will drive all _those nations from before you, and you shall possess nations greater and stronger than yourself,··—-every place that- the sole of your foot treads shall be yours;-——-from thedescrt tolfebanou, from the river, the river Frath backwards to the sca; shall be your boundaries. 4 None shall stand before you : you
shall- terxify and. cha.sc_ them. Your EvE1z—1.1v1No Gon will give all the country to you which you have travelled through, as`He promised. I Euphrates.-·F. F. ·rR¤ I2 , 16 18 20 21 22