Deuteronomy (The Speeches of Moses) - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 185

The Five Books of Moses


zo 2 1 22 26 28 12—··—1g the Levite who is in your village, shall enjoy yourselves before your Evmn-uvxuc Gov in all the pros- perity of your hand. Take care that you do not forget

the Levite V all your time upon the earth, for your E.vmz—r.1vmo Gov will extend your boundaries, as Ho promised you,——-—thorefore I tell you to eat flesh, wherever you desire to live you may eat Hesh; in all places you wish to live, you may eat Hesh, for the place where your EVER- L1v1NG GOD may choose to iix’His Name may be far from you, there- fore you may sacrifice from your herd and from your flock that the EvER—L1v1NG gives you, as I com- manded you, and may eat iu your villages of all that yourlife desires ; but only as the gazelle and the stag are eaten,——-thus the clean and the unclean may eat, they may both eat. Only refrain from eating the blood; for the blood is the life; and you shall not eat the life with the flesh. You shall not eat it; you shall pour it upon the earth like water. You shall not eat it; for it is well to you, and toyour children after you, that you should do right in the sight of the Evsx-Livmo. Only what you have consecrated by yourself, and your vows, you shall take up and bring to the Place which the EVER- 1.1vmG has chosen; and you shall offer your burnt-offerings with the flesh and the blood upon the altar of your Evan-L1v1No Gon ;· for the blood of your sacrifice shall be poured upon the altar of your EvER·L1v1NG GOD, and you shall eat the flesh. Listen atteutively to all these

words that I command you, so that you may prosper, and your children after you for ever, while you do fair and rig_ht in the sight of your EVER- r.1vmo,Go¤. When your EvER—L1viNG GOD has

defeated the nations where you are going, driving them before you, and you; possess them, and reside in their country, guard yourselves from enquiriug about them,··-—from turn- ing to enquire about their gods, and How did these nations serve their gods? for I would do the same Youshall not do so with your EvEu·Lrv1NG GOD, for all the offerings to the EVER-LWING which you take up to offer to your Gob, as well asthose of your sons and your daughters shall be burnt with fire to your Goo. You must _carefu1ly practise all 13 the things which I have commanded you. You must not add to them, nor shall you take away from them. When a Preacher arises among

you, or a dreamer of dreams, and gives you a proof, or an evidence, and the proof or the evidence which he has declared to you comes, to persuade you to walk after other gods, whom you have not known, and to serve them ;-~listen not to the words of that Preacher, or to that dreamer of dreams, for your Evan- Lzvmo Gon is trying you to learn if you are lovers of your EVER-LIVING Gon with all your heart, and with all soul. You must walk after your Evan-Livme Gon, and fear Him, and keep His Commandments, and listen to His voice, and serve Him, and adhere to Him. Therefore that Preacher, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death, for advising to tum from your EVER-LIVING GOD, Who brought you from the land of the Mitzeraim, 'and, freed you from the House of Bondage, for he would seduce you from the path your Evmz·r.1v1Nc; Gon commanded you to walk in,—-—so you must burn the evil from your breast. If your brother, the son of your

mother, should seduce you,·—·or your son, or your daughter, or the wife of your bosom, or your friend who is like your life ;-—should,say privately, 'Let us go and serve other gods,’ whom you have not known, nor your fathers ;-—some of the gods of the Peoples who are around you,+-—close to you,··-or/far from you,——from one boundary of thelearth to the other boundary of the earth,-do not in-· oline to him, or listen to them. Let not your eye feel pity for them, and do not grieve or feel compassion for them;-but kill I Your hand shall be the first to bring them to death, and the hand of all the people after you, who shall. stone them with stones; for they shall die,—-because they sought to seduce you from your Evit- LIvx_NG Gon, Who brought youl from the land of the Mitzerites, from the House of Bondage. Then all Israel will hear, and fear, and not continue to practise that sin in your midst. If you shall hear that at any city

where your EVER-Lxvmc GOD has IO II I2

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0185

The History of the People of Israel