to-day Coxsme and Bzmssxnc. The Blessing which you have heard in the commands of your Evan-L1v1Nc Gon, which I command to you this day; and the Cursing, if you do not listen to the commands of your EvER—LIv1NG GOD, but tum from the path which I command to you this day, to walk after other gods whom you have not known. So when your EvER—L1v1NG GOD
has brought you to the country that you go to possess, you shall place the Blessing upon the Hill of Gherizim, and the Cursing upon the Hill of Aibal.——Are they not over the ]or~ dan, following the path of the declining sun ?-··in the land of the Cananites, who reside in the west opposite Gilgal, at the side of the Oakwood of Morah?l--·When you cross the jordan to go to seize the country which your EvER·L1v1NG Gon will give to you,—-you shall seize
32 it and settle in it. But take care to practise the whole of the institutions, and · the legislation which I have placed before you to-day; 12 Which are the Institutions and the Legislation which you shall carefully practise in the land which the EVER- LWING, the GOD of your fathers, will give to you to possess all the time that you live upon the earth. You must absolutely destroy all
the columns which the nations whom you drive out, worship. Their gods upon the hills, and heights, and upon the mountains, and which they call upon under every shadowy tree. You shall also throw down their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their shrines in fire, and smash the images of their gods, and destroy their names from the places where ’ they are. You shall not do so to your EVER-
LIVING GOD; for at the place which your EVER-LIVING GOD may choose from any of your tribes to place His Name there, to fix it, you shall go to it, and bring there your burnt- if his poetic and striking indication of these
localities is an internal evidence that these sublime orations are the work of Moses, and written and spoken by him on the East of the jordan, and he pointed to the West as he uttered the words. Had they been the work of a forger in jerusalem, as some modern sceptics assert, he would never have used the words and gesture indicated.-—F, F. 12-»-x8
offerings, and sacrifices, and your services, and the presents of your hands, and your vows, and the first fruits of your herds, and flocks; and you shall eat them there before your Evan-uvms Gon, and cheer your- selves in all the success of your hand,—-you, and your families, when your EvER—L1v1NG GOD blesses you. You shall not offer as we do here to—day,—all that is right in your own sight,-—-for you have notiyet arrived at the REST, and the Inheritance which your EvER—L1v1NG GOD will give to you. But when you pass over the jordan, and occupy the country that your Evan-Livme Gon will divide among you, and rest from all your enemies around, and dwell securely, then to the place where your EVER-LIVING GOD shall choose to fix His NAME, you shall bring all that I have commanded you,-·—your burnt-offerings, and sacrifices, your gifts and the presents of your hand, and all your free vows, that you vow to the Evan-Lxvmc. You shall enjoy yourselves there before your EVER- LIVING GOD, you,and your sons and daughters, and men. servants, and maid servants, and the Levite who is in your village, for he has not a share or estate among you. You must guard yourselves from offering your burnt-offerings in every place you see, except in the plac_e which the EvER—L1v1NG may choose in one of your tribes,—-there you shall offer your burnt-offerings, and there you shall do all that I have commanded you. Howeyer, you may, to all the desires of your life, sacrifice and eat flesh according to the blessings which your Evan-Lxviuc Gon has given you, in all your villages. Both the clean and the unclean may eat of them,·——like as of the gazelle and the stag,-—-except that they shall not eat the blood ;-—that shall be poured upon the ground like water. You shall not eat in your villages from the offering of » your corn, and wine, and oil, or of the firstlings of your herd or flock, or of any vow which you vow--as free—will offerings, or of presents from your hands,·~—you shall only eat such in the presence of your EVER-L1v1NG GOD, at the place which your Evan-Livino Gon chooses to Himself; you and your sonand your daughter, and your man servant and maid servant, and