O&icers with secret instructions, say- G0 examine the country of So they went and arrived at the house of a. woman named Rahab, an innkeeper, and lodged there. But it was reported to the men have arrived from the sons of Israel tognighto to explore the country! The King of jeriko consequently
sent to Rahab to say; ‘* Bring to me the men who have come —to your house, for they havecome to examine ‘ But the woman took the two men and hid them, and replied ;——‘ ‘ Some men eertainly came to me, but I do not know where they came from. However, when the gates were shut at dark, the men went away, and I myself do not know where the men went. Go after them quickly, so as to catch them ! She had, however, taken them up
to the roof, and covered them. over with cotton she had storedythere upon the roof. T he messengers accordingly pur-
sued after them towards the jordan, to theifords, and the gates were shut after them as, soon as they w_ent`out in pursuit., But they were inhiding; She then went .up_to,the,1:oof tothexn, I know that the EVER ·· LIVING will give this country toyou, because a terror has fallen upon us, andiall the population of the land will meltaway before you, for we have heard how the EVER? Lxvxno caused the waters, of the Red Sea to dry up when you came out from the Mitzeraim, and what you have done tothe two kings oft the Amo- ri·tes,._who were beyondthe jordan, to `Sihon and to Og,-·—how you gave themto destruction. We have heard these things and ouiihearts melt, and the spirit of a— man will ~ never rise agaénst you,_for your E_va_x-uvinc Gon is Gob in heaven above, andon the earth beneathr Therefore now listen, I. pray, yto me. When the E_vER~mv1N<; shows favour to you, you also show favour to my father’s family, and give me a pledge of your truth that you will preserve the lives of my father and mother, and my brothers and sisters, and all belonging to them, from death. The men therefore said to her,
‘ May our lives sink in death if we do not keep this promise! if when the Evan-Lxvxwo gives us the country we do not act fair and true to you! She then let them down by a rope from the window, for her house was on the wall of the fortifications, and she lived on the wall. Then she said Go to the hills, for fear your pursuers should meet you ; and conceal yourselves for three days until the pursners return; and after that go your own way. We
will stand by the oath we have sworn to you, When. we arrive at this country, tie this-— scarlet cord to your window which we are going through, and collect your father and mother, and brothers, and allyour father’s family with you into the house, and it shall be that all whocome outside thedoors of your house,—~+his~ blood shall be upon his own head ;——for all who are in your house,—their blood be upon our heads if a hand, touches them. And if you attend to this instruction we will standby the oath we havesworn. It
S0 shev dis- misscd,them,l and they went; and she tied the scarlet cord to the window. S0 they proceeded and arrived at the hills; and stayed there three days, until the return of the pursuers, who sought them in all the roads but found them not. Then the two men descended from the hills, and crossed the fords and came to joshua the scm of Nun, and reported to him all these The EvEn~1,xvm.c; will give all the country to our h_z-mds, and willlalso dissolve the whole of the population of the land before us. 16 18 20 2I 22 (ec. 1451.) jnslpta mercbzz {rum El}: Zlrncia manila. joshua accordingly arose in the 8 morning and marched from The Acacia Woods and advanced to the jordan, and all the sons of Israel with him, and halted near the fords. And there, three days afterwards, the 2