Joshua - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 225

The History of the People of Israel

3--3 THE BOOK OF THE` odigcrs mustered thc camp at day- break. and ordered the People; ‘ When you sec the Ark of the Caye- nant of your EVER-LIVING GOD, and the priests and Levites carrying it, march from your stations and follow it. However the Evmz~1.1vmc inter- posos between you and it, two th0u· sand cubits space. Approach not to it; except so that you may know the way thatit goes,—~·f0r you will not proceed by the way you did ‘yesterday.’ Grhzr nf the O Bag is ily: Qmg. ro 1: :2 the Ark of theCovenant.’ joshua. also commanded the People

to sanctify themselves, for on the next day the EVER-L1v1NG would do wonders among them. Then joshua Take the Ark of the Covenant and proceed, and; march hefore the people carrying The Evmi-Lrviuo also said to

I, will beginto make you Great to-day in the eyes of all Israel, who shall learn that as I was with Moses, so I am with you; so now command the priests who bear the Ark of the Covenant, and say; ‘When you come to the middle of thelstream- of the jordan, stand still joshua consequently said to the

~Now approach and hear the commands of Your EVER- - Thenjoshua added, TBy these you will learn that a Lrymo Gon is amongst you, and that He will drive the Cananitesrand the Hitites, andthe Hivites,iand the Perexites, and the Ghergashites, and the Amorites, and the jebusitesfrom before you., Look! the Ark ofthe Covenant of the PRINGE of the whole earth passes before youto the jor- dan; so now select for yourselves twelve men from the tribes of Israel, —one man. from- each,——~·and when the soles of the feet of the priests who bear. the Ark of the Covenantaof the Evnn—x.1v1No, the Pnmce of the whole earth, touch the stream ofthe jordan, the waters will ceaseicoming

14 down from above, Then the People shall march from their camps, and paasiover the jordan, with the priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant before the People! (ac. r451.) yung: of the juries. :5 So whenvthe bearers of the Ark arrived at the jordan, and the feet of PERIOD OF jOSHUA. 4—=·9 the priests who bore the Ark were splashingyin the middle of the waters of the jordan (and the jordan is full over all its banks during the time of harvest), the waters descending from above stood still; below they also stood, for a distance from Adam, to the wood which is near Zarthan. But the water flowed down from off the ford at the King’s stream completely, and the People crossed over towards jeriko. And the priests who carried the Ark of the. Covenant of the EVER- LIVING stood firmly on dry land in the middle of the torrent ;~·~and all Israel passed over on dry land until all the forces had passed the · jordan. But when all the forces had finished passing the jordan, then the EVER- Select for yourself from the People twelve men, a man from each T ribe, and order them to take from the bed of the jordan, from where the feet of thc priests stand, twelve stones, and carry, them over with you, and place them at the lodgment where you will lodge to·night.’ 16

Ewzlhr Stones taken from the Qzh nf the jnrhuu fur it wunumznt.

i ]QShLl3. COIlSBqUCIl{lY_ SUUITIIOHGQ 4 twelve men, men whom he appointed from the sons of Israel, a man from every tribe, and ]oshua· said to them ; 5 Pass after the Ark of your EVER-

LLVING GQD to the middle of the jordan, and let each man lift a stone upon his shoulder, as a record to the Tribes of the sons of Israel, so that 6 they may bean evidence in the midst of you when your children shall ask you in the future, 'What are these stones to us ? ’ that you can say, ‘ The waters of the jordan were divided before the Ark of the Covenant of the EVBR—L1vING. When it passed into the torrent, the waters of _the jordan were divided, and these stones are as a memorial to the children of Israel The children of Israel, therefore,

did as joshua commanded, and ear~ ried twelve stones from the middle of the jordan as the Evan-Livmo commanded to joshua, to the number of the Tribes of the sons of Israel, and they carried them· to the 10dg~ ment, [and fixed them there. And jpshua. set up thevtwelve stonee frgm the middle ofthe jordan, where the feet

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0225

The History of the People of Israel