Joshua - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 228

The History of the People of Israel

6-18 THE BOOK OF THE PERIOD OF ]OSHUA. '7-—`11 :8 20 21 22 shall live; sha and all who are in her house, for she concealed the mes- sengers whom we sent. But except them, keep yourselves from the devoted things, lest you should be tempted to take some from the devoted, and put it in the camp of Israel, and bring destruction and trouble to it. For all silver, and gold, and brass, and iron, are sacred to the EVBR·L1V1NG. It must come to the treasury of the Even-L1v1NG.’ W32 Walla uf Qlcrilw fall. Then the People cheered, and the

trumpets sounded !——·and when the People heard the sound of the trumpets, then the people cheered with a loud cheering; then the walls fell down, and the men went into the city, each before himself and captured the town, and destroyed all who were in the city, both men and women, from the young to the old, and even cattle and sheep, and asses, by the edge of the sword. But joshua had said to the two men who spied Goto the house ofthe innkeeping woman, and bring that wornan from there, and all who are with her, as you promised to her.’ Consequently the young spies went and brought out Rahab, and her father and mother, and brothers, and all who were with her ; however, the silver and gold, and furniture of brass and iron, they gave to the treasury of the House of the EvER—L1v1NG. But }0shua granted life to Rahab the inn- keeper, and the family of her father, and all belonging to her (and they are resident in the heart of Israel to this day), because she concealed the messengers whom joshua had sent to spy jeriko. A Qlursz put upmt tbz §itz uf Qrrilw. At the same time joshua swore

Let the man be accursed before the Even-Livmc who raises and builds this city of jerikol Let him lay the foundation on his hrst born and set up the gates on his youngest! ’ Thus the Even-Lrvine was with

joshua, and his fame spread over all the country. But the children of Israel were

faithless,——-faithless about the de·· voted property, —-· and Akan the descendant of Karmi, the descendant of Zabdi, the son of Zarakh, of the tribe of judah, took some of the devoted, and the anger of the EVER- Livmo burnt at the children of Israel. (ac. 1451.) Gil]: Enimt at Qi §¤· sailzh; but the Ssrarlitzs rzrnxlszh. joshua then sent men from ]eriko

to Ai, which was near Bethaven, to the east of Bethel, and instructed Go and examine the S0 the men went and spied about

the country of Ai, and returned to lt is not necessary for all the People to go up-only two or three thousand men need go to capture Ai. All the people need not march there, for it So about three thousand men of the troops went up,——but they fled before the men of Ai, and the men of Ai killed about thirty- six persons, and drove them from before their gates to Shebarim, and defeated them at Morad, so that the heart of the people melted and became like water. 3¤xsl;1xa’¤ gluguiub utter the @2fent. joshua consequently tore his robes, 6 and fell upon his face to the earth before the Ark of the Evnieuvxno, until the dusk,·——he and the judges of Israel also threw dust on their heads. And joshua exclaimed; 7 ‘Ahi Loran or Linz! Why have You brought the People over the jordan to give us to the hand of the Amorites to destroy us, whenwe would have been content to remain on the other side of the torrent? For myself, ALMIGHTY, what can 8 I say when Israel turns to flight before its enemies? When all the 9 Cananites and the population of the country shear it, and surround us, and cut off our name from the earth? Who will then make Your Name great? ’ (nc. x451.) Elie diana: nf Qrfral rztrzelzh. But the EVER·LlVING replied to 10 Arouse yourself! Why are you fallen on your face? Israel II has sinned, and has broken the covenant I commanded them, and

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0228

The History of the People of Israel