Joshua - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 227

The History of the People of Israel

5——-9 THE BOOK OF THE IO II I2 of all the nation they kept quiet in the camp until they were restored. Then the EVER-Lxvmc said to

To-day I have rolled away the reproach of Mitzeraim from off therefore the name of that place is called Gilgal,1 to this day. Eb: §ass¤h2r zzlzhrnizh. The children of Israel afterwards

camped in Gilgal and sacrificed the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month, after passing the fords of jeriko, and they ate cakes from the com of the land the day after the Passover, and baked oats the same day, and the mana ceased from the morning they ate of the com of the land, and the children of Israel never again had mana, but they ate the produce of the land of Canan from that year. 3¤¤·l31m’¤ Wisimt. While }oshua was resting near

jeriko, he raised his eyes, and saw a man stand near him, with a drawn sword in his hand. So joshua went Are you our When he replied; ‘ N0! for I am the Chief of the Army of the E.v12:R—L1v1NG who have come Then joshua bowed his face to the

earth and paid him reverence, and What would my master say to his servant? And the Chief of the EVER-

L1v1NG’s Army replied to joshua, ‘ Put your shoes from off your feet, for the place you stand upon, is Holy ; ’ and joshua did so. (B.G. 1451.) dbz dawn nf Qerilw resists Qusbim. But jeriko shut itself up ;~·—and it

was shut up before the children of Israe1,——-none came out, and none went in. Then the EvaR—t,1viNo said to

I have given jeriko to your hand, with the royal commanders of its power. Therefore let all the troops march round the walls of the city in a circle. Do this for six days. But on the seventh let the priests take the seven trumpets of the jubilee from before the Ark, and' on the Rolled-away.—F. F. PERIOD OF jOSHUA. 6-··—17 seventh encirclemeut of the city, after the seventh time, the priests shall sound with the trumpets, and at 5 the crash of the horns of jubilee, at the sound of the voice of the trumpets, all the forces shall shout with a great shout, when the walls of the city will fall down, and the people shall go up, each ahead of himself} joshua the sou of Nun consequently 6 summoned the priests, and said to Take up the Ark of the Covenant, and let seven priests carry the seven jubilee Trumpets before And he himself commanded the forces; fMarch and surround the city! He then passed before the Ark of the EvER··L1v1NG, and joshua said to the People and the seven priests who carried the seven jubilee Trumpets March on and blow the trumpets, and the Ark of the Covenant of the EVER- LIVING shall follow you. So part marched before the priests

who blew the trumpets and the others marched after the Ark,—marching and blowing the trumpets. But Do not shout,-and let not your voice be heard, and let no word come from your mouth, until the day when I tell you to shout-·—then shout out! Thus the Ark of the EvER—1.1vmo marched round the city with measured step once. Then they returned to the camp, and rested in the camp. When joshua arose next morning

the priests took up the Ark of the EvER·LIv1NG, and seven priests took the seven jubilee Trumpets from be- fore the Ark. Marching, they marched and sounded the trumpets, and the vanguard marched before them, and the rear marched after the Ark of the Evan-L1v1No, marching and blowing trumpets, and circuited the city the second day, once, and returned to the camp. They did the same for six days. But when the seventh day arrived, at the departure of darkness, they circled the city as instructed seven times ;—-—yes! they circled the city seven times, and, at the seventh time, the priests sounded the trumpets, and joshua said to the Cheer! for the EVER- LIVING has given you this city! and the city shall be devoted, it, and all that is in it, to the Evan-L1v1N<;, except Rahab the innkeeper, she IO II I2 16

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0227

The History of the People of Israel