@132 Sim lling; retreat in a Mah:. 16 But those iive kings retreated and hid themselves in a. cave in Makedah,
The five kings have been found concealed
So joshua. Roli great stones to the mouth of the cave and place a. guard of men
19 over it to watch it; but you others stop not following your enemies, and cut off their rear. ‘ Do not attack their towns, for the
EvER—1.1v1No Gon will give them to your hand. 20 So when joshua and the sons of Israel had completed the conquest of them by absolute defeat, and the raiders hadltaided them; then they
21 attacked the fortified cities. And afterwards all the force returned to 22 26 joshua at the camp of Makedah in peace, and no man sharpened his tongue against the children of Israel. After that joshua commanded to
open the mouth of the cave, and they did so, and to bring out those tive kings from the cave to him. They did so,——and brought the five kings to him—the king of jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Yar- math, the king of Lakish, the king of Aglan. And when the kings were brought out to joshua,]oshua sum- moned all the leaders of Israel, and ordered the commanding Officers of the army to approach and put- their feet upon their necks. joshua also Fear not and let not your courage fail, for the Evnxz-mvmo will do thus to all your enemies, when you fight with And after that joshua de- graded them and hung them on five trees,—and they hung upon the trees until the dusk, but when the time of sunset came, joshua commanded and they were lowered from the trees, and laid in the cave where they had concealed themselves, and they piled great stones at the mouth of the cave. (They remain to this day.) 1 V. The wrds in brack 27. _?ets arean ancient editor’s note. he reader must not suppose that allthe events recorded herehappeued in twelve hours or so, as the impress le t by the old translators leaves on the mind. They would occupy several months, or years as the countrtraversed and towns cptured cover y gsevera hundreds of miles.-F. . (ac. 1451,) V §¤sl;u¤ captures _;Hnl:2h¤l;. At the same period joshua cap· 23 tured Makedah, and he devoted its territory, and all its population he spared not from ruin, but did to the king of Makedah as he had done to the king of jeriko. (s.c. 1451.) Quzlyua ltzzizgzs mah captures iihxtah. joshua afterwards advanced with
the forces of . Israel from Makedah to Libnah andbesieged Libnah, and the Evarz-uvrnc also gave that into the hand of Israel with its territory; And he struck with the edge of the sword all the persons in it. He did not reserve it from plunder, and did to its king as he had done to the king of jeriko. (B.c. 1451.) Qukisly Qnsizgrh mah Qaptnrzh. joshua next advanced, and the 31 forces of Israel with him, from Lib- nah to Laki sh, and encamped against, and besieged it; and the EVER- 32 LIVING gave Lakish into the power of Israel, and they captured iton the second day, and gave no quarter to the people in it, exactly as to Libuah. Ewan shimtcixry in help miler!] is @2fzat2h. At this period Horam the king of 33 Ghezar advanced to help Lakish, but joshua defeated him, and the people with him, until nothing but a wreck was left. (ac. I450.) `3g1·8!I Qzsingzh mth ®npt11r2l¥. joshua, and the army. of Israel 34 with him, next advanced from Lakish to Aglan, and encamped against, and assaulted, and captured it at once, and gave no quarter to -all the men in it; At the same time he devoted them as he had done to Lakish. (ac. 1450.) §zl1rmt Qzsicgzb mth Eckert. Afterwards joshua, and the forces 35 of Israel with him, ,marched from Aglan to Hebron, and besieged, and 36 GG'}