forces with him turned towards Dibrah, and besieged it, and cap- tured it, and its territory, and all its towns, and gave no quarter, but devoted all the garrison who held it. They did not refrain from plunder. They did to Dibrah as they did to Hebron and her king, and as they had done to Libnah and its king. (B.c. 1448.) Wye liiglyllmhs ®¤¤qu2rzB. 40 joshua afterwards subjected all the country of the hills, and the desert, and the plains, and the farm~ ing country, and all their kings. He did not refrain from plunder, but he devoted all the animals, as the EVER·LIV1NG GOD of Israel ordered.
(B.c. 1447.) §¤zl3zz¤ ia u Qlampuigu conquers §ahi¤b-Quran mth ®¤sbzul¤xt¤. 4: joshua afterwards subdued from Kadish-Bama to Gazah, and all the land of Ghoshen, as far as Gibeon,
42 and all its districts, and the country around them, in one campaign, be- cause the Evan-Livmo Gon of Israel fought for Israel. 43 joshua afterwards returned with all the Israelite force to the camp at Gilgal. (B.c. 1446.) £.¤rtl3 Qhlzziinz nniizz against Wzrazl. 11 _ But when jabin the king of Tzor heard it, he sent to Yobab, king of Madon, and the king of Shrimron, and the king of Akshaf, and the kings who were to the north in the hills, and in the pastures, to the south of Kineroth, and inthe grass-lands, and ; the Cananites of the east, and the west, and the Amorites, and the Hitites, and the Perizites, and the jebusites, in the Hill, and the I-Iivites below them, a great army like the sand on the shore of the sea for number, with very many horses and chariots. So all these kings appointed a rendez- vous, and came and encamped to· getlier at the Lake of Merom to dght with Israel. (ac. 1446.) Then the Evnx·1.1v1No said to
Fear not for their presence, for by to·morrow at this time I will give them to be_broken before Israel. Hamstring their horses, and burn their chariots with fire. (ac. 1446.) joshua ahlnntczs against tbz £¤1·tlyzru Qlmxfzbzrncg. Then joshua rapidly advanced and 7 all the forces of the people with him to the Lake of Merom, and fell upon them, and the Evmz-uvmo gave 8 them to the hand of Israel, who defeated, and pursued them at Zidon the Great, and on the shore of the sea, and at the gorge of Mizpha on the east, where he defeated them until only a wreck was left. And g joshua did to them as the EVER- Lrvmo commanded him; he ham- strung their horses and burnt their chariots with fire. (ac. 1445.) gsslyns captures Gyn: (Wigrc) thc Sugcruin nf the £¤rtl;ccn Myizfhumz. joshua also turned. in this cam-
paign and captured Tzor and con- quered its king by the sword, for Tzor was before that the head of all these chiefdoms. Therefore he gave no quarter to its garrison, he devoted all to the edge of the-sword, he left not a breath, but burnt Tzor with fire. And all the chiefdoms and all the districts around it joshua cap- tured, and subdued them by the sword, devoting them as Moses the servant of the EVER-LIVING com- manded. But the plunder of all these towns, and the cattle, the children of Israel looted for them- selves, except that they put the men to the sword to destroy them. There remained none breathing. As the EvER·1.1v1NG commanded to Moses His servant, so Moses commanded to joshua,-·—and so joshua did. He did not reject a word that the EVER-
Hermon, in the land of Mizphah,-— l LIVING commanded to Moses. Con- who came and all their camps with sequently joshua obtained possession 234 I0 II I2 16