Joshua - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 240

The History of the People of Israel

17—·-10 THE BOOK OF THE PERIOD OF jOSHUA. 18——:2 IO II I2 the lake. On the south is’s and northward is Manasseh's, and the lake is the boundary, and it is alongside Ashur from the north, and to Issakar on the cast, But to Manassah, and Issakar, and Ashur bc1o¤gedaBethshon, and her daughters, and Zablan and her daughters, and the people of Dar and her daughters, and the people of Anidor and her daughters, and the people of Anak and her daughters, and the people of Megido and her daughters,———three tablelands. For the sons of Manasseh were unable to seize these towns, so they permitted the Cananites to remain in this dis· trict, But the children of Israel were dominant, and they placed the Cananites under tribute, and did not expel them. .c. 143o.) @112 Girihz uf Quzzph Bzmmxh mmré (Extensible lhrriiurg. 14 The sons of joseph, however, came to Will you only give to us a single district by lot, and a line, for It am a numerous people, since the EvER—L1vlNG has blessed me so 16 If you

are a numerous people go up to the forest, and acquire for yourself in the country of the Perizites and the Rephaim, since Mount Ephraim is nothing to you! But the sons of joseph replied,

‘We cannot acquire the Highlands, for all the Cananites who retain the tablelands have chariots of iron; as well as the inhabitants of Bethshan, and her daughters, and those in the valley of jezraalf joshua however answered the

house of joseph,,—~— Ephraim V and You are a great people, and have great power; there shall not be another allotment to

18 you. However the highland shall be yours, for it is a forest;-—so acquire it. But you must go and expel the Cananites, although they have chariots of iron;-4-for you are able} (B.c. 1430.) 18 Afterwards all the Parliament of the children of Israel assembled at Shiloh and erected there the Hall of Assembly, for the country had been subjected before them. (ac. 1429.) Quslyua plans at (llam- piviz ®¤nqu2¤t uf the Qliuimlrg. But there remained seven tribes of

the children of Israel who had not received their districts, so joshua said to the sons of Israel; ‘Till when will you delay to go

and seize the country which the Evan-1.1vmo Goo of your fathers gave to you? Choose for yourselves three men, princes from each tribe, and I will send them, and they shall go over the country and map it into districts for you, and then come to me. They must divide it into seven portions. judah has had his bounds fixed from the south, and the house of joseph has had its bounds fixed from the north. So you must map out the country into seven parts, and come back to me here, and I will draw the lots for you before your Evan-Livme Goo. However there is no share for the Levites amongst you;— the EvER—L1v1NG is their share ;-——and Gad and Reuben and the half tribe of Manasseh have taken their shares beyond the jordan, to the eastward, which Moses the servant of the EvER—L1v1NG gave (B-C. 1429.) Whz §11rli2gur¤ zxmninz mth map unt the mnrsnqnrrcil §¤rts. The princes then arose and went,

and joshua appointed their routes to Go and travel through the land and map it, and return to me, and then I will throw the lots for you before the Evan-Livxno in Shiloh? The princes thereupon went, and passed over, and mapped out the land with its towns into seven shares on a sheet, and then returned to joshua to the camp in Shiloh, where joshua threw the lots for them in Shiloh, before the EvnR~uv1No. Thus joshua divided the country to the children of Israel, ··— to each a share. And he threw the lot for the tribe

of the sons of Benjamin, with their families; and the lot came fixing them between the sons of judah and the sons of joseph. And their boundaries were, on the north side, from the jordan, whence the line ascended to the cliff of jeriko on the IO II I2

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0240

The History of the People of Israel