Joshua - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 241

The History of the People of Israel

18-——13 THE BOOK OF THE PERIOD OF ]OSHUA. 19-23 16 18 north, and went up the hill westward, and terminated at the Desert of Beth- avcn ; and the boundary passed from there to Luz, at the cliff of Luz, southward of Bethel, whence the line descends to Ataroth-adar, upon the hill that is to the south of Beth- horon the Lower. Thence the border extends, and turns to the side of the lake southward from the hill which is opposite Beth-heron the Southern, and terminates at Krith-bal}-—this is the side towards the Lake. But the southern side is from the bound of Krith~bal, whence the line goes westerly, and comes to the source of the Brook Nefthokh; thence the border descends the side of the hill which is opposite the valley of Ben- Hinom, where the gully of the Rephaim is, to the north, and descends the vale of Hinom to the cliff of the jebusi, southward, and runs down to the Well of Roghel, then runs from the north and comes to the Suns Well,2 and goes on to Ghililoth, where it touches the ascent of Admam, and descends to Abern- bahu of the sons of Reuben; where it passes the cliff opposite the Dry- lands to the north and descends to Arabath, where the border passes the cliff of Beth-khagla to the north, and the terminus of the boundary arrives at the bay of the Salt Lake on the north, by the mouth of the jordan. This is the south border southerly.

20 But the ]ordan bounds it on, the eastern side. T his was the share ofthe sons of Benjamin with its

21 boundariesfor their families. The towns of the sons of Benjamin for their families were, jeriko, and Beth-

22 khagla, and Amak-Katzitz, and Beth- arbah, and Zimeraim, and Bethel,

23 and Hairim, and Parah, and Afrah, 24 and Kefir, Amom, Afur, and Gaba, twelve towns with their villages;

25 Ghiban, and Harmah; and Baroth, 26 and Mitzfah, and Keiirah, and 27 Motzah; and _Rekim, and lrfal, and 28 Thiralah; and Tzela, Alef, and jebusi,3 Gibrab, and Krith,-——f0urteen towns with their villages. This was

I V. 14. Bracketed parts are the explanatory notes of an ancient editor.—F. F. Which is Krith-yarirn, a city of the sons ) 2 Aimshemsh. Old editor’s note, probably Ezra's. —-—F. F.) the share of the sons of Benjamin for their families. The second lot, however, came out 19 for Simeon :—-for the sons of Simeon with their farnilies,——but their share was in the middle of the sons of judah, and that district ran from Barsheba, and Sheba, and Moladah, and Fort Shoal, and Balah, and Atzem, and Altholah, and Bethul, and Khar- mah, and Tziklag, and Beth-mara- bath, and Fort Susah, and Beth- libanth, and Rashokum ———thirteen towns with their villages. Ain, Rimon, and Ather, and Ashan, four towns with their villages, and

all the districts that surrounded the cities, which were Adbulath, Bar, and Ramah to the south. This was the share of the tribe of the sons of Simeon, for their families. The share of the tribe of the sons of Simeon was within the lines of the sons of judah, for the district of the sons of judah was too much for them, so the sons of Simeon shared with them. But the third lot fell to the sons of

Zebulon for their families, and the boundary of their district began at Sarid. And these are the boundaries to the westward, Maralah, and Faga on the Hill, and Gefa on the River, which is opposite Zaknon ; but it turns from Sarid eastwards, towards the rising sun, at the border of Kis- loth—Thabor, and goes to Dabareth, and the ascent of jaghia; and from there it passes eastward, towards the sunrise, to Ghith—Khafer, Atha, and Katzin and goes to Rirnon, to Mithar, to Nah, where the line rounds from the north of Kanathan, and its ter- minus is at the valley of jathfakh-el, and Katath, and Nahlal, and Shim- ron, and Yadulah, and Beth-liklam; twelve towns with their villages. This was the share of the sons of Zebulon, with their families,——these towns and their villages. The fourth lot came to the sons of

Issakar for their families, and its boundaries were, to Izraal, and Kis- loth, and Shonam, and Kafarim, and Shiaun, and Anakhrath, and Rabith, and Kishion, and Abetz; Ramath, and Ain—ghinmi, and Ain—khadah, and Beth—fatzatz; and Faga the Great, by Thabor, and Shakhazta- mah, and Betlrshems; and the ter- minations of the boundaries were at the jordan ;——~sixteen towns and their villages. This was the district of the I0 II I2 16 x8 20 21 22 vo

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0241

The History of the People of Israel