ing ;·~——with the southern land you have given me; give me springs of water? So Kaleb gave her the Upper Springs andthe Lower Springs. (ec. 1405.) 16 18 20 The sons of Keni, the father-in-law
of Moses, had come up from the city of The Paimtrees with the sons of judah into the desert ofjudah, which is to the south of Arad, and marched and lived with that people. Then judah went with Simeon his
brother and conquered the Cananites inhabiting '1`zifath, and destroyed it, and called the name of the town Kharmah.1 judah also captured Gaza, and its district, and Ashkelon. and its district, and Akron and its district, for the EvER»L1v1Nc was with judah and he took possession of the highlands, but they could not drive out the population ofthe plains because they had iron chariots. Hebron was given to Kaleb as Moses had promised, and he drove the three sons of Anak from it. (B.C. 1,424 to 1406.) $ (|§mtzra1 illziwlt uf the Raiintw runquzrzh 2I 22 hg iusbuu. But the jebusites continued in
jerusalem, for the sons of Beniamin could not drive them out,·—so the jebusites continue to reside with the sons of Benjamin in jerusalem to this clay. The House of joseph also went up
to Bethel, and the EVER-L1v1NG was with them, so the House of joseph was successful against Bethel,—··the name of the town was formeriy Luz. And the scouts saw a man who came out from the city, and said to him, Show us, we pray, the entrance into the town and we will reward you.’ ='l`he Ruins.——I*`. F So he showed them an entrance to the city, and they took the city with the sword, but they sent the man away with all his family, who went to the country of the Hitites, and built a town and called it by the name of Luz, and it bears that name to this day. (B.c. 1425 to x4o6.) Manasseh also did not disperse the
people of Bethshan with its villages, and Thanak with its villages, or the inhabitants of lblam with its villages, or the population of Megiddo with its villages, but permitted the Cananites to reside in that country. But when Israel prevailed it laid the Cananites under tribute, and did not expel them. Ephraim also did not expel the
Cananite population of Ghezer, or the Cananite population from around Ghezer. Zebulon, also, did not expel the population from Kitan, the in— habitants from the riverside, or the Cananite population from amongst itself, but put them under tribute. Ashur did not expel the population
from Aka, or the inhabitants of Zidon, or Akhbal, or Akzib, or Khabdah, or Atik, or Rekhob but the Ashurites resided amongst the Cananite popu~— lation of the country, for they did not expel them. Naphthali did not dispossess the
inhabitants of Beth-shemsh, or the population of Beth·anath,but resided amongst the Cananite population of the country; and the inhabitants of Beth—shemsh and Beth-anath were tributary to them. The Amorites also resisted the sons
of Gad in the Highlands, although they were not able to descend to the plains; therefore they allowed the Amorites to occupy the Eastern Hills at Ailon, and Shalbim, and Thikbad alongside the house of joseph, and they paid tribute. And the boundary of the Amorites was from the ascent of Akrabim, from Sela and upwards. 26 28 29 33 34 35 (About ac. r4o6.) §\ gtlrzarlyzr zzlmrts the Ssraeliizz in rz-rauqzxw the Qiatihz ifbrihzs. But a Messenger of the EVER-2 LIVING came from Ghilgal to Bokim, who said, ‘.‘ I brought you up from Mitzeraim,] and conducted you to Hgypt.—~F. F. 250