Lxvme addressed this speech to the Parliament of the children of Israel, the People lifted up their voices and wept, and called the narne of that valley The VVeepings,} and sacrificed thereto the Even-Livmo. .c. 1425 to :424.) ilzrapitulaiiun uf ibz Qihzniz nf the @zmt @¤g¤ zo
the children went each to his share, to take possession of the country, and the People served the EVER- LIVING all the days of joshua and all the time of the old men who sur- vived joshua, who had seen all the great acts ofthe EVER—L1V1NG which joshua, the son of Nun, the servant
of the EVER·L1V1NG, died at ahundred and ten years of age, and they buried him within the bounds of his estate, at Thimnath, in Mount Ephraim, on the north of the hill of Gash. But when all that generation were added to their fathers, there arose another generation after them, who knew not the Ev1zir~1.1v1Nc, or the acts which .c. 1424 to r4o6.) iitnligiuzrs Qliur- Then the Children of Israel did
wrong in the sight of the EVER- LIVING and passed over to Baal, and forsook the EVER-L1V1NG GOD of
in Hebrew B0khim.··~·F. F. l”hese dates are far from accurate,
but I adopt them from the ordinary chro- nologers. I estimate that roo to zoo years of anarchy is intimated, and that consequently the date of the Exodus and all the subsequent events should he put backwards for that time, but this question is one for chronologers, and does not aEect the accuracy of the Biblical Narrative, but corroborates it.-—-F. F. their fathers, who brought them out of the land of the Mitzeraim,1 and went after the gods of the nations who surrounded them, and wor- shipped them, and provoked the EVER-LIVING. Thus they forsook the EvsR~r.1v1No and worshipped Ashtaroth.2 milk 3xtarrl;g. Then the anger of the EVER~L1v1NG
burnt against Israel, and He gave them to the hand of robbers who robbed them, and delivered them to the power of their enemies all round, and they were not able to stand before their enemies. Wherever they went the hand of the Even-mvmc was against them for evil, as the EVER- LIVING had said, and as the EVER- LIVING had threatened them, and He greatly afflicted them. (About ac. 14o6.) Embers arise mth uiihizz iltzfurm, hui: are rzjrrtzh. The EVER-LIVING afterwards
raised up judges who protected them from the powers of the Robbers. Yet, however, they would not listen to their judges, for they went whoring after other gods, and wor- shipped them,——turning soon from the path which their fathers followed, that of listening to the commands
of the Evan-L1v1Ne. They did it not. But when the EvExz~L1v1NG caused some of the judges to arise, and the EVER-Lrvmo was with that judge, He saved them from the hand of their enemies, for the EVE n·r,1v1No pitied their groans under their adver- saries and oppressors. But when that judge died, they turned and corrupted themselves more than their fathers, by following seducing gods, and serving and worshipping them. They ceased not from their offences, and from making their way hard. Then the anger ofthe EvER~LIVING
burnt against Israel, and He said; ‘ Because this Nation hasbroken My Covenant which I communicated to their ancestors, and does not listen to My Word, I also will not continue to drive out before them any of the nations whom joshua left at his death, 1 Egypt.—F. Ii. 16 18 20 21
Lust, ‘ the 1Venus o pagans.—F. F. See note (i), col. 1. 251