Genesis - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 28

The Five Books of Moses


28-17 29—·27

18 20 2I 22 ’I`he EVER-L1v1NG is certainly in this place, and I knew so he was afraid and said; ‘ How terrible this place is! Is not this truly the House of GOD? and this jacob, how- ever, slept until morning, when he took the stone which he had placed for a pillow and sat it upright, and poured oil on the top of it, and called GoD’s 1 (but Andam-loz was its former name). Then jacob vowed a If the Evan-L1v1NG Gon is with me, and will guard me in the way that I now go, and give to me bread to eat and clothing to put on, and bring me back safely to the house of my father,·—·then the Evan-1.1vmG shall be my Gon. And this stone which I placed for a pillow shall be a House of GOD, and of all that You give to me, I will return a tenth part to You} 29 Then jacob arose on to his feet, and went towards the land of the sons of

2 the East; and he looked and saw a IO Well in the field and there were by it three flocks of sheep lying down, for from that Well they watered the tlocks,··~but a great stone was on the mouth of the Well. So when all the Hooks had collected there, they rolled away the stone and watered the sheep, and then returned the stone on to the mouth of the Well until another time. jacob, therefore, asked Brothers where do you come and they replied, "We are from Kharanf Then he asked them if they knew

Laban the son of Nahor? When they We know him.’ Is he well ? ’

He is well,——and here is Rachel his daughter coming with his sheep! Lockl it is full

day already ;-—is it not time to water the cattle and sheep that they may go and feed? ' We cannot,

until all the flocks are collected, and they roll away the stone from off the mouth of the Well and water the Whilst he was speaking with them

Rachel came with her father’s sheep, for she shepherded them. But it happened that when jacob saw Rachel w—_-W 1 Betl1·el. the daughter of Laban the brother of his mother, and the sheep of Laban his mother’s brother, that jacob rolled the stoneifrom off the mouth of the Well and watered the sheep of his mother’s brother Laban. Then jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice and wept: and jacob said I do it because I am a relative of your father, and because I am the son of Rebekka.’·’ S0 she ran and reported it to her father. When Laban had heard the report

about jacob, the son of his sister, he ran to invite him and embraced him, and kissed him, and brought him to his home, where he related to Laban all these events. You are my

; so he stayed five days with him, when Laban said Since you are my relative, now serve me, and also inform me what wages I shall pay you? ’ 3ac¤l1'¤ faithful Entre. Now Laban had two daughters the

name of the eldest Leah, and the name of the youngest Rachel. But the eyes of Leah were timid, and those of Rachel perfect in form and beautiful to see, and jacob loved I will serve you seven years for your youngest daughter Rachel. Good; she

shall be yours.-} will give her for a wife after you have stayed with me.’ So jacob waited for Rachel seven

years, but they were to him like a single day because of the love he had for her. Then jacob said to Give me my wife, for the time is up, and I will go to her} Laban then collected all the men

of the place and made a feast, and when it was dark he took Leah his daughter and brought her to him, and he went to her. Laban also gave Zilfa his servant, to Leah to be her servant. But when it was morning he dis-

covered it was Leah, and said to Why have you done this to me? Was it not for Rachel that I served you? Then why have you cheated me? ’ It is not

our custom in this country to give the younger before the elder. Count the seven for this, then I will give to you also the other, and for her you 28 II I2 x6 18 20 21 22 26

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0028

The History of the People of Israel