Genesis - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 29

The Five Books of Moses


29-28 30--28

28 33 34 35 shali serve with me another seven years afterwards. ]ac0b therefore agreed to it, that

he would serve thus, so he gave Rachel his daughter to him for a wife. Laban also gave to Rachel Bilah his servant to be her servant. He therefore went to Rachel, and he loved Rachel completely, and served to him other seven years afterwards. But the EvEr<—1.1v1Nc; saw that he

hated Leah, so he opened her womb, but Rachel was childless. S0 Leah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Reuben, for she said, that ‘ ‘ The EvBR·L1v1NG has looked on my sorrow, so that now my husband And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, Now the EvER—1.1vme has heard

that he hates me, so He has given to and she called his name Simeon. Then she conceived again and bore a sou, and she said, Now certainly my husband will

cling to me, for I have borne him therefore she called his name Levi. She also conceived again This time I will praise the LORD/' so she called his name ]udah. Then she ceased tobear children. 30 When Rachel saw that she bore no ro child to jacob she envied her sister, Give me children, and if not I shall die l ’ But ]acob’s·anger fired at Rachel,

Am I in the place of Gob, to hold back from you the fruit of your body? myself shall have children from her ; ’ heard my voice and given me a son} GOD ; I also struggled with my sister ; ’ so she called his name Naphthali. See now my

attendant Bilah;—-go to her and she shall bear at my knee, so that I also so she gave to him Bilah hervservant for a wife. And jacob went to her, and she conceived and bore a son to GOD as done me justice, and also has

therefore she called his name Dan. Again Bilah the servant of Rachel con~ ceived and bore a son to jacob, when . I struggled with When Leah saw that she ceased to

bear, she took Zilfa her attendant and gave her to jacob for a wife, so Zilfa the servant of Leah bore a son By a and called his name Gad. Zilfa the attendant of Leah also bore a second son to jacob; and Leah I am blest, for the she there- fore called his name Asher. Reuben once went out at the time

of wheat harvest, and found love apples in the field, and broughtthem to Leah his mother, when Rachel Give me, I pray, some of your son’s love apples! Is it a trifle that you

have taken my husband, and would you also take the apples of my son Come,

now,~·~he shall sleep with you to-night, in exchange for your son’s apples. When jacobcame from the field in

the evening, Leah met him, and said You must come, for I have hired you with the love apples of my And Gon heard Leah, so she conceived and bore a fifth son to jacob. Leah Gob has paid me wages, because I gave my servant to my husband? She therefore called his name lssakar. Leah afterwards conceived again a

sixth son to jacob. Then Leah said, ‘ GOD has endowed me, even- me, with a good dowry, so that my husband will live with me, for I have therefore she called his name Zebulon.2 She after~ wards also bare a daughter, and called her name Dinah. But Gov remembered Rachel, and

Gob listened to her, and opened her womb; and she conceived and bore Gon has taken away my reproach? She therefore called his name joseph,4 The EvER~L1v1NG has added to me another son. I I I2 16 18 20 21 22

But it occurred that when Rachel 25 had borne joseph, jacob said to Send me away, and I will go to my own home, and to my own country. Give me my wives and my 26 children, whom I have served you for, because I must go with them, for you know the wages for which I have served to you. Earhart perzushzs gsrnlr in became his Glilyizf §I5zpb¢rh. Name your wages 28 to me and I will give you them.’ —-—F. F. 3 Endowment. * justice. * Increase. __________W.mJ

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0029

The History of the People of Israel