I Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 301

The History of the People of Israel

21--1 THE PERIOD OF SAMUEL.--I. SAM. 22—4 Go in the péacewthat we both have sworn to by the name of the Evzn-Lxvmc, say- I`he Evmz-1.1vmG shall be between me and you, and between my descendants and your descendants

’ Then he arose and departed. And jonathan returned to the town. Qnirih flizz iu Zuyimalzk, the Qrivzi, fur Qpruhzciinn, hui is rzfuzzh. David then went to Akhimelek the

Priest at Nob, but Akhimelek hesi- tated to receive David, and asked Why are you alone? and no one with you ?’ So David answered Akhimelek the

The king ordered me on a business, and said to me: ‘ Let no one know what the business is on I have ordered you} So I appointed another place for my men. And now what have you got here? Give me those tive cakes, -— or I shall take them But the Priest replied to David

It is not common bread that is under my care, but conse- crated bread. If the young men have kept themselves, however, from And David answered the Priest,

Women have not ap~ preached us for three days since I set out. The accoutrements of the men are clean; and the way open, and indeed my accoutrements were cleaned that day. Then therPriest gave him the con-

secrated bread, for he had no other bread there, except the Bread of the Presentation taken away from the piles beforethe EVER~L1vING to be replaced by hot bread on the day that he took it. Quay ibn ®hmniiz new gahih at Qtek, anh rzpnris it in §aul. There was, however, at the same

time an omcer of Saul’s resting before the Evan-mvmc, named Doeg the Edomite, the chief of Saul’s shep- herds. Is

there not here in your custody a spear or sword? For I could not bring my sword or my arms with me, for the order of the king was very urgent! The sword of to Goliath the Philistine, whom you defeated on the plain of Halah, is here, wrapped in a cloth behind his armour. If you will take that, take it,—-—for there is not another except it here. There is none like it! Give it to mel ’ (ac. 1o58.) Quinn flies in $¤iI;, unit fzigns gituhxwau. Then David arose and fied at once

from the neighbourhood of Saul, and went to Akish, king of Gath. But Is not this David the Leader of the country ? Was it not about him they sang in the dances, saying, ‘ Saul has defeated his thousands, but And David put these wordsinto his heart, and was very terrined in the presence of Akish, king of Gath. So he altered his way of talking in their sight, and acted the fool towards them, and scribbled on the panels of the doors. and dribbled his spittle on his beard. Akish consequently said to his

You see the man is mad! Why have you brought him to me? Have I need of fools that you have brought this one to me to play the fool for me ?——Let him get out of my II I2

(ac. ro58.) yrilwm frm daily hg lliizb,. guar in ilyz Qliaiizs nf Qhnlam as a hahha: myizf. Then David went from that place, 22 and took refuge in the Caves of Adulam, and his relatives heard of it, and they and all his father’s family went down to him there. And 2 every man in distress, and every man in debt, and every man of dis- contented mind collected to him, and he became a captain over them, until there were about four hundred men with him in the caves. But David went from there to

Mitzfah of Moab, and said to the l beg you to allow my father and mother to be with you, untill learn what Gon will do So the king of Moab granted it, and they stayed with him all the time that David was in the stronghold. 30]

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0301

The History of the People of Israel