I Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 302

The History of the People of Israel

22-·~5 THE PERIOD OF SAMUEL.--I. SAM. 23-3 (mc. 1¤57.) ®nh axhbiszs in gxr iu ibn @2uri uf 3uhub. 5 Then Gad, the reciter, said to D0 not remain in this str0x1g— IO II hold, but go to the land of ]udah,’ so David went, and came to the wood of Kharcth. Saul, however, heard this; for David and the men who were with him were known, and Saul was resting on a hill under a tama- risk tree, in Ramah, with his spear in his hand, and all his odicers were standing about him; so Saul said to the officers who were around him, ‘Listen now, all you sons of

Thieves 1-1 gave to the sou of jessai farms and vineyards, as I did to all of you.-~I made you my colonels of regiments, and my captains of com· panies. So why have you,—-—all of you,»-conspired against me, and not opened my ears to the agreement; of my son with the son of jessai? and you have not shown it to me, or informed me that my son had set my slave above myself, secretly, as he is Then Doeg the Edomite replied, he stood amongst the ministers of I saw the son of jessai go to Nobah, to Akhimelek the son of Akhitub, who enquired for him of the Even-uvme, and gave him provisions, and handed him also the sword of Goliath the Philistine! The king consequently sent and

summoned Akhimelek·ben~Akhitub, the Priest, and the whole of the priests of his father’s family who were in Nobah, and they all came to

Listen, And he replied, *1 am here, my Prince! Why did you—·—you and the son of ]essai··——hide from me that you supplied him with bread, and a sword, and enquired for him of GOD, to rise against me in secret, as he now does? ’ 14 But Akhimelek answered the king Who of all your officers should be more honourably trusted than David, a royal son—in—law ?—-and the chief of your subjects, and the

r 5 most honoured of your family ? Upon the day when I danced to enquire of

vb`, Yamin. Gon for him I did dance ;——let not the king bring trouble upon his servant, with all my father’s family, for your servant knew nothing of all this affair, little or great! @¤zg’s murhzrmxz hillaiug.

The Leader, however, replied,

‘ You shall die, Akhimelek; you and And the Leader commanded the guards around him to turn upon them, and slay the priests of the Evan-Lxvmo for helping David, and because knowing of his Bight they had not informed him. But the oilicers of the king would not go ;~—·would not extend their hands to strike the Priests of the Evan-mviuc. Then the Leader said to Doeg,

‘ Get up, and fall upon the Priests! ’ So Doegthe Edomite turned and fell upon the Priests himself, and killed on that day eighty-five men; men who bore the ephods only. He also assailed Nob, the towns of the Priests, with the edge of the sword, both men and women, child and infant; and ox, and ass and sheep he massacred. But one son of Akhimeleleben-Akhitub escaped, whose name was Abiathar, and Bed to David, and Abiathar informed David how Saul had mur- dered the Priests of the EVER- L1v1NG. I 16 18 20 2I 22 knew on that day, when Doeg the Edomite was there, that he would inform Saul. I am responsible for all the lives of your father’s family! Stay with me. Fear not. For he 23 who seeks my life, seeks yours as well, so you have a place of safety (nc. 1057.) gahih assails the §bilis- lines, mth hzfrais them. They reported once to David, say~ 23 'I`he Philishtim are besieging Keilah, and destroying the corn- fields/’ so David enquired of the 2 Shall I assail and defeat those Philishtim ? ’ And the Even-Livmo answered

Go! and defeat the Phi- lishtim and relieve Keilah. But David’s men said to him, 3 ‘ Look you! We are in terror here in ]udah,-—so why should we go _t0

b0ld Eéilahto iight the regulars Of the Ph1llS¤tlm I ' —-F. F. 302

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0302

The History of the People of Israel