I Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 303

The History of the People of Israel

23--26 23--4 THE PERIOD OF SAMUEL.-»I. SAM. Therefore David repeated the en-

quiry to the EvER—L1vmc;, when the Arise! march to Kcilah, for I will give the David and his men then marched to Keilah, and fought with the Philishtim, and captured their baggage train, and defeated them with great slaughter. Thus David saved-the inhabitants of Keilah. (mc. 1057.) Quhih tries in settle in 11 12 Ztciiab, but fearing an Qttuxk hg Saul biz Qunb hispzrzz in bib: in ih: @2¤zrt. followed David to Keilah, he took the ephod with him. It was, how- ever, reported to Saul that David had come to Keilah, so Saul re- GOD has betrayed him into my power, for he is prevented by doors and bars from leaving the Saul therefore ordered all Keilah to assail David and his men. the ephod here.’ Then David prayed : ‘EvEa·1.1v1Nc; Gon of Israel

Saul seeks to advance upon Keilah, to destroy the town because of me. descend as Your servant has heard F servant, I pray} will descend! And when Abiathar-ben·Akhitub

his forces for war to descend to But David had intelligence that Saul was planning evil against him, so he Bring listen, listen to your servant, for Will the Headmen of Keilah deliver me into his power? Will Saul LIVING GOD of Israel, inform Your He Will the

Headmen of Keilah deliver me and my men into the power of Saul? And the EvaR·1.1v1Ne replied, I`hey will deliver! Consequently David and his men about six hundred persons--arose

and went out from Keilah, and dis- persed as they could; and it was reported to Saul that David had escaped from Keilah, so he stopped his advance. Then David stayed in the dens of the desert, andoccupied a hill in the desert of Zif, and Saul hunted him all his days, but GOD gave him not into his power. David also knew when Saul came out to seek him; but David kept in con· cealment in the desert of Zif. (s.c. 1o56.) Qmrallmt bisits §abih in the yzuzrt, sub makes az Erwin init}; him. jonathan, however, the son of Saul,

arose and went to David secretly, and cheered him up in GOD, and Fear not! for the hand of my father Saul will not catch you, and you will be the Leader of Israel, and I will be your Lieutenant ;———my father Saul also knows this} Then both ot them made a treaty

before the Evan-Livuve. But David continued in hiding, and jonathan returned to his home. 16 18

(B·¢- 1055.) Eb: Zidtza lrztrag @al1ih tu Saul. The Zifites, however, went up to

Do you not know that David is hiding with us in a fort concealed among the hills of Khakilah on the south of the desert? Sn now with all the energy of your soul, Commander, come down, and we will deliver him to the Com— May you

be blessed by the Evan-1.1v1No for your kindness to me! Go, I pray, ascertain further, and learn, and watch the places that he haunts, who sees him there,-——for they tell me he is very crafty. Examine and learn also about all the hiding-places where he haunts, and report them to me accurately. T hen I will come to you, and if he is skulking about in the country I will chase him with all the regiments of ]udah.’ They accordingly arose and went

from the audience with Saul to Zif, But David and his men were then in the desert of Maon, in the waste to the south of the desert, where Saul and his men marched in pursuit. But David received intelligence of it and came down from the hill·fort and rested in the desert of Maon. Saul, however, heard of this and pursued after David to the desert of Maon. But Saul marched on one side of the hill, and David and his men on the other side of the hill, zi 22 ')f\'! 2o 26

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0303

The History of the People of Israel