I Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 310

The History of the People of Israel

29--4 THE PERIOD OF SAMUEL.-I. SAM. 30-—-15 Is not this David, the o&ccr ofSau1, King of Israel, who has been with me for this year or two, and I have not found in him any fault from the day he deserted until The Generals of the Philishtim,

however, collected about him, and the Generals of the Philishtim said Send the man away, and let him go to his residence, where let him be retained, for he shall not advance with us to the campaign, lest he betray us in the campaign. For how could he reconcile himself to his Prince? Would it not be by the heads of our men? Is not this David about whom they chorused with dances saying, I0 II ‘Sau1 has slain his thousands And David his ten thousands ’ ? ' Akish consequently summoned

By the Even-Livmcs Liss, in my opinion you have been right and good in your intercourse with me in the camp! Nor have I found anything wrong about you from the day you came up to me until this time; but the opinion of the nobles is not good about you. Therefore return, and go away quietly, and create no offence in the sight of the Philishtim lords} David, however, asked Akish,

‘oWhy P What have I done? What have you found in your servant, from the day I came to you until this day, that I may not go and tight the enemies of my Lord the King? ’ But Akish answered and - said to

David, **1 acknowledge you are as good in my opinion as a messenger of GOD. The generals of the Phi- _lishtim, however, say ‘ He shall not advance with us to the campaign. So now rest till the morning with the servants of your Prince who came with you, but arise at dawn of light with them and depart} Consequently David and his men

rested until they marched at dawn to return to the country of the Philishtim. Then the `Philishtim advanced to jezrael. .0. roy;.) @ahih returns in Ziklag, aah Rubs it hah been rnpturzh ln; ily: 2m¤Izkiiz¤.·~·—§z pursues them. 30 But when David and his men they found that the Amalekites had devastated the south, up to Ziklag, and attacked Ziklag, and burnt it with nre, and captured the women 2 who were in it, from the least to the greatest. They did not kill a single person, but carried them off and departed. S0 when David and his 3 men came to the town they saw it burnt by fire, and their wives, children and daughters carried off. Then 4 David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept, until there was no more strength in them to weep. The two wives of Davidvalso were captured, Akhinoam the jezraalitess, and Abigail the widow of Nabal, the Karmelite, and it troubled David greatly, for the people threatened to stone him, for the soul of all the forces was bitter because of their sons and daughters, but David relied upon his EVER- Livmo Gon. David consequently said to Abiathar

Bring And Abiathar brought the ephod to David, and David enquired ofthe Evan-1.1vmG Shall I pursue this troop? When Follow; for you There- fore David and the six hundred men with him marched, and came to the canal at the Wall, where part halted. But David and four hundred men continued the pursuit, whilst two hundred men, who were exhausted, halted at the passage of the canal of Egyptian, in the field, and took him to David. They gave him food, and he ate, and they quenched him with water. They also gave him a slice of fig cake, and two bunches of raisins, and he ate, and his energy returned to him, for he had not eaten food nor drank water for three days and three nights. Who are you ? or from where? ’ I amra young

Egyptian, the slave of an Amalekite, and my master abandoned me three days ago, because I broke down. We had devastated the pastures of the Khithites as high up as judah, and the pastures of Kaleb, and we burnt Ziklag with .f11·e. IO

the Wall. And they found a man, an u Will you arrived at Ziklag on the third day, l guide me to this gang?’ 310 I2 ___,_,__,_,_ l

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0310

The History of the People of Israel