GOD that you will not kili me, and not give me up to the hand of my master, and I will lead you to that an}? gg S0 he led them. And they were
scattered all over the ground eating and drinking, and feasting upon the great booty they had taken from the country of the Philishtim, and from the land of judah. David therefore assailed them with spirit from the evening to the next day, and none of them escaped except four hundred young men who mounted on camels and tied. Then David rescued all the Amalekites had taken, and David also rescued his two wives, and they lost no one, small or great, of their sons or daughters. And the plunder, and all that they had taken with them David got back. But David took all the sheep and cattle they drove out from that camp to himself, This is David’s booty. But when David approached the two hundred men, who had been exhausted by themarch after David, and who stayed by the canal of the Wall, they came out to meet David and the force with him, and David came to them and wished them health. (ac. 1054.) Qnhih hun the Kala zz nf war ¥rigzs. But all the vile and blackguardly
fellows among those who marched Be- cause they did not go with us, none of the booty that we have captured shall be given to them, except to each one his wife and children. Let them take them and be off! You shall
not do so, brothers, since the EVER- LIVING has given it to us, and has guarded us, and delivered the gang who fell upon us into our power. And who will listen to this talk of yours ? As for the share of the man who goes into battle, and the share of him who stays with the baggage, both shall be equalf S0 from that day forwards it was
fixed as an institution and decree for Israel until this time. When David arrived at Ziklag he
sent part of the booty tothe princes of judah his neighbours, _ saying, plunder of the enemies of the Elwa- To those also in Bethel and those—ineRamnh·Negeb. md those in jathir, and those in Ashema, and those in Rakal, and mon in the villages of the Irakhmali, and to those in the villages of the Kenites, and those in Kharmah, and those in Kor- ashon, and to those in Athak, and to those in Khebron, and to all the places where David had been with his men. H3
(ac. 1054.) Ul); Qattlz af Gilhhn. Qzfznt mth Qratly af Saul mw his Suns. But the Philishtim fought with 81 Israel, and the men of Israel fled before the Philishtim, and fell routed on the mountains of Gilboa. Thus 2 the Philishtim defeated Saul and his sons; and the Philishtim killed jona- than, and Abinadab, and Melkishua, the sons of Saul. Then the battle 3 rested upon Saul, but the archers advanced upon him with their bows, and he was grievously wounded by the archers. Saul consequently said 4 Draw your sword and stab me with it, for fear these foul fellows should come and stab me, and outrage over me I But his squire refused, forhe was in
great terror, so Saul took the sword and fell upon it. And when his squire saw that Saul 5 was dead, then he also fell upon his sword, and died with him. Thus Saul died with his three sons, 6 and his squire, and all his guards in one day. But when the Israelites who were 7 beyond the valley, and beyond the Jordan, saw that the army of Israel was routed, and that Saul and his sons were dead, they abandoned the villages and fled, and the Philishtim came and occupied them. When it was morning the Philishtim
came to strip the slain, and found Saul and his three sons fallen on the mountains of Gilboa, so they cut oil his head,and stripped off his armour, and sent around the country of the Philishtim to proclaim the good news in the temples of their idols, and to the people. Then they placed his arms in the Temples of Ashtaroth, and hung up his body upon the walls of Bethshan. But the inhabitants of
‘l~lere is a present to you from the I jabesh Gilad heard about it, and I0 II