I Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 312

The History of the People of Israel

31-I2 THE PERIOD OF SAM UE L.-—I. SAM. 31-13 what the Philishtim had done to Saul. brought them to jabesh, and burnt Cl 12 onsequenty allthebrave men arose, them there. '1` hey afterward took 13 and marched ll iht ang, and took~ the the bones and buried them under the bd oy of Saul, and the bodies of his tamarind tree in jabesh, and mourned f sons rom the walls of Bethshan, and seven days. END or Finsr Boox or SAMUEL.-——BOOK III. or run Hrsronv or ISRAEL. 'I I ’)
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0312

The History of the People of Israel