II Kings - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 380

The History of the People of Israel

4--15 THE MONARCHICAL PERIOD.-II. KINGS. 4-40 because she has no son, and her hus- band is old. And he called her, and she stood in the door-

At the return of this season you shall fold a son m your arms (ac. 894.) W32 ‘$¤Irg'¤ §¤n has a §uu¤ir¤k:. No Sir! MAN of GOD, do not lie to your handmaid. 17 The woman, however, conceived, and bore a son, when that season came round, as Alisha had said to

18 her. And the lad grew up, and one day went out to his father in the

19 harvest field, and said to his father, So he ordered his attendant to carry him to

zo his mother. Heconsequentlycarried him and brought him to his mother, who placed him on her knees until

21 noon,when he died. Then she arose and laid him on the bed of the MAN 22 28 of GOD, and closed the door, and went out and approached her husband, I wish you to send with me one of the servants, and one of the riding asses, for I wish to go quickly to the MAN of Gon, and to What is the matter

with you that you would go to him? To-day is not a festival, nor a And she answered, Then they saddled the asses, and

Drive! do not hold back for me to ride,—--for have I not told you to be quick? Thus she went, and came to the MAN of GOD on Mount Karmel, and when the MAN of GOD saw her at adistance he said to Ghikhazi his attendant, Look! the. Shunamess is there!

Run,.now, to meet her, and ask her ‘ Is all well with you ? Is all well with your husband ? Is all well with your But she came to the MAN of GOD

on the hill and seized his feet. Ghikhazi, however, came to remove her, when the MAN of GOD said, Remove her not; for her soul is in

grief; but the Evnn—L1v1No has hidden it from me, and has not informed me of it. Did I ask. a

son from my lord ? Why did you tell me he should be sent to me? ' Gird up 29 your loins, and take my sta&` in your hand. If you meet a man do not address him, and if a man addresses you, do not answer him, and lay my staff upon the face of the child. But the mother of the child said,

‘ By the life of the Evmzenxvino, and by the life of your soul, I will not He therefore arose and followed. her. But Ghikhazi pushed on before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child;-but there was neither voice nor utterance. He consequently returned back to The child has not awakened.! Then Alisha came to the house,

and saw the child lying as dead upon the bed, so he wentin and shut the door behind both of them, and prayed to the Evan-1.1vmG. Then he went up and lay upon the child -and placed his own face to his face, and his own eyes to his eyes, and his own hands to his hands, and bowed over him, and warmed the body ofthe lad. Then he went away and walked in the house here and there once, and once again, and again ascended, and bent over him, when the lad sneezed seven times, and opened his eyes`. At which he called Ghikhazi, and Fetch his mother here.‘ When he invited her, and she came, Take up your son. But she came and fell at his feet, 32 33 34 35 37 and bowed to the earth,-·-and then took her son, and departed. (B.¤· 898.) (Elisha emit ily: §§1q:ilx uf tbz iprzarlyzrs. Alisha afterwards went to Gilgal, 38 and a famine was in the country, so the pupils of the Preachers came to him, when he said to his attendant, ‘ Set the great pot and boil pottage for the students of the preachersf And one of them then went to the 39 field to collect vegetables, and found wild vines and gathered some of them, and wild gourds,1 filling his bag, and returned and flung the collection into the pot, for he knew not what they were. Then they poured out for the 40 In the African and

Arabian deserts poisonous and edible gourds grow together, I have been told by re atives who have traversed them, and on the same from he oison robabl stems, tpygy coming microbic inoculation y some lnsect.——F. F. 380

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0380

The History of the People of Israel