II Kings - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 381

The History of the People of Israel

4=»——41 THE MONARCHICAL PERiOD.~——lI. KINGS. 5-17p men to eat. But when they would have eaten the bunches, they cried MAN of GOD! there is and they would not eat. 41 He therefore commanded, and they took Hour and threw into the pot. Pour out for the and they ate, and nothing bad came from the pot. (ec. 898.) (Elisha aah ily: 3¤misb2¤ 43 44 gpzuplz. Once a man came from Bal Shal-

shah, and brought to the MAN of GOD, and presented to him from his Brst fruits, twenty cakes of barley, and a sack of garden produce, but he Give them to the people, and let them eat} What will this be divided to a hundred people? ’ Give to the

people, and let them eat !——For thus says the Evan-Livmo, ‘ They will eat and there will be leavings! So he put it before them, and they

ate, and left part of it, as the EVER- Livmo had said. (ec. 893.) jlmunu il]: Qrunniiz ilfzper. 5 Naman was then commander of the Army of the king of Aram-—-a great man in the presence of his Prince·——and he bore renown, for the Ev1£R—L1VING had given success to Aram by him, and the man was a great hero——but a leper! When the troops of the Aramites had invaded the land of Israel they brought back a little girl, who attended on the wife I wish my master were near the Preacher who is in Shomeron, for there he could be relieved of his leprosy} She consequently wentand reported

The girl you brought from the land of Israel says this and that} Go E

go! and I will send a letter to the king of Israel! So he went and took ten talents of

silver with him, and six thousand pieces of gold, and ten robes of honour, and brought the letter to the king of Israel to say: ‘ When this letter reaches you,

you will see I send my officer Naman to you, that you may relieve him of his leprosy! But when the king of Israel read

the letter he tore his robes, and et- Am I God, able to kill, and revive ? that this man should send to me to relieve that man from his leprosy ? Who will study it now, and ascertain how he would pick a quarrel with me? ’ But when Alisha the MAN of GOD

heard that the king of Israel had torn his robes, he sent to the king to ask, ‘ Why have you torn your robes? Come, however, to me and I will teach you that there is a Preacher in Naman accordingly came with his horses and chariots, and stood before the house of Alisha. But Alisha only sent a messenger to him Go, and wash seven times in jordan, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and be clean} Naman, however, became furious,

and went away, and exclaimed, ‘ Lookl—·I said to myself, ‘He will come out, and stand up, and call upon the Name of his EVER-Livmo Goo, and wave his hand over the place, and remove the leprosy! Are not beautiful Abana and Parfar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the brooks of Israel? Could I not wash So he turned and went away in a rage. But his Officers approached him,

Sir, if the Preacher had commanded you to do a great thing, would you not have done it? Then why not when he says to you, ‘· Wash and become clean ’ ?’ He consequently went down to the

]ordan, and bathed in it seven times, as the MAN of GOD commanded, and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was cleansed! Then he returned to the MAN ofGOD, he and all his staff, and entered and Look! Now I have learnt that there is no GOD in all the earth, except HIM in Israel l Therefore I pray accept a present from your servant} By the life of

the Evan-1.1v1NG, before Whom I stand, I will not accept it.’ Then he pressed him to take lt, but he refused. If not, then let

there be given to your servant a gift of two mule loads of earth. For your servant will never after now make 3i5l IO II 12 16

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0381

The History of the People of Israel