promise of the EVER-LIVING! By t0— morrow at this time a sah of Hour shall be a shekel, and a sah of barley shall be a shekel, at the gate of Shomeron. An Officer on whose arm the king
leaned sneered at the MAN of Gov If the EVER-L1v1No opened windows in the skies, could such a thing happen You shall see it
with your own eyes ;-—-but you shall not eat of it! GISIJ2 QBui¤uzi Ezpzrs Enh il]: 31r¤mii2 ‘§2¤i2gzr¤ fluimt in §§auic. It happened there were four men,
lepers, outside the gate, and one man Wherever we tum we shall go to death I If we say we will go to the City, the famine is there, and we shall die. But if we turn to yonder, they will kill us. However, let us proceed to the Camp of Aram,—~if they let us live we shall live,———but if they kill us, we can but They consequently rose up, encou-
raging themselves to go to the Camp of Aram, and arrived at the outskirts of the Camp of Aram, and found no
6 one there! for the Almighty had caused to he heard in the Camp of Aramanoiseof chariots, and a sound of cavalry, and the sound as of a great army, so that each said to his comrade, ‘»‘ Don’t you see the king of Israel has hired against us the king of the Hitites, and the kings of the Mitzeraim to come upon us? l’ They consequently arose and fled from themselves and abandoned their baggage, their horses, and their asses in the camp as they were, and had run for their lives! And these lepers having come to the skirts of the camp entered one of the tents, and ate and drank, and carried off silver, and gold, and clothing, and furniture, and hid them. Then they returned and came to another tent and carried off from there, and went and hid it. At last We ought not to do so now !—-—for this is a day of good news l Yet we are silent! And if we wait until dawn of day, they will discover our fault, and then they will come, and catch. and report us to the palace of the king? They therefore went and called at
the gate, and informed them, saying, ‘ We went to the Camp of Aram and saw neither a man nor a sound of men there, but only of horses in stall, and the tents as they were E ’ The watch were consequentlycalled ,
and they reported it to the king from their communication. So the king arosein the nightand said tohisoiiicers Inform me, now, what do you think
Ararn is contriving against us? They know that we are farnishing. So have they gone from the Camp to entice us into the open field, thinking ‘ They will come out of the city, when we will seize them alive, and enter the Then one of his officers answered
Let them take the five re- maining horses that are left to us, for they are like the whole lot of Israel that are left to her—·—they are like all the crowd of Israel that she possesses, ·—-and send out and ascertain. They consequently took the chariot
horses, and the king sent after the army of Aram ordering to go and ex- amine. So they went to the jordan, and found all the road full of accou- trements and arms which the soldiers of Aram had thrown away. The messengers therefore returned and informed the king. Then the people went out and
plundered the Camp of Aram, and a sah of flour was sold fora shekel, and a sah of barley for a shekel, as the Evanmzvmc had said. And the king appointed the general upon whose arm he rested over the gate; but the crowd trod him under foot at the gate, and he was killed, as the MAN of GOD foretold, when he spoke to theking when visiting him. For it occurred as the MAN of GOD said to the king fore· IO II I2 A sah of barley for a shekel, and a sah of flour for a shekel, shall be bought at this time to—morrow at When a general sneered at the MAN of GOD If the Evan-Lfviuc made windows in the sky, could such an And he You yourself shall see it with your eyes, but you shall not eat But yet it came to him,~»—ifor the
crowd trod him under foot at the gate, and he was killed. 384 16 18 20