II Kings - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 397

The History of the People of Israel

17--9 'I`HE MONARCHICAL PERIOD.-—II. KINGS. ‘1 7-+22 drove out before the children of

9 Israel. The children. of Israel also sinned in other things, not being accordant with their EvER~L1V1NG Gon, and built Columns for, them# IO II I2 16 selves in all their cities, with Obser· vatory-towers in the fortified cities. And they set up Pillars for them- selves, and Shrines upon every hill- top, and under everyleafy tree. They also burnt incense at all the Columns like the heathen, to provoke the EvER·L1v1NG; and served idols, al- though the EvER—1.1v1Ne said to Y0u shall not lmake any e Yet the EvER·L1v1NG had warned, Israel and ljudah by means of His Preachers, and every Tum from your evil paths, and keep My Command- ments and Institutions, according to the perfect laws that I ordained for yourancestors, and that Iorsent to you by the hands of My servants the Preachers? They did not, however, listen, but stiifenedatheir necks like the necks of their fathers, who were not faithful to their EvER»r.1v1No Gon. And abandoned His Instituti·on.s 18 20 21 and His Covenant, which He made with their forefathers, and the Evidences that He showed them, and went after Imaginations and wor- shipped Fancies, and followed the heathen around them, of whom the You Thus they abandoned the whole of the Com- mandstof their EVER-1.1vme Gon, and made two metal Calves, and Shrines, and bowed down to all the host of the skies, and served Bal; and passed their sons and » daughters through the tire, and practised Divin- ation, and worshipped snakes, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Evan-Livmo and provoked Him. Consequently the l·ZvER~L1v1NG was very angry with Israel, and turned them from His presence,. reserving none except the tribe. of `judah alone. judah, also, did not regard the

Commands of their Evenmrvine GOD but followed the same customs as Israel. ` Therefore the EVER- Lxvma rejected all the race of Israel, and reducedthem, and gave them to the power of the plunderers, until He sent them from His presence, ‘ For He tore Israel from off the House of David, and they crowned ijerabam- ben-Nebat, and ijerabam. led Israel from following the EvER~L1v1NG, and caused. them to sin the GREAT SIN. So the children of Israel went into all the sin that- jerabam practised. They never turned from it, until the Eve1z»1.1v1No turned Israel from His presence, as He threatened by the means of all His servants the Preach- ers,——-and rolled Israel from its land to Ashur (to this day l). 22 (ac. 678.) Qamaria fhlcuigzn hg {laguna. Then the king of Ashur brought

people from Babel, and from Kush, and from Awa, and from Khamath, and from Sefarvaim, and settled them in the cities of Shomeron, and they colonized its towns. But it resulted that the new comers who were settled there did not; reverence the EVER- x,1v1NG, so the Evnumrvmo sent lions upon them who killed them; Consequently they reported tothe The nations youd have deported and settled in the towns of Shomeron do not know the decrees of the GOD of the country, so He has sent lions to them, who kill them, because they have no knowledge ofthe decreesof the GOD of the country} Consequently the king of Ashur

Send there some of the priests whom I have transported from there, and let them go and reside there, and teach them the decrees of the Goo of the country} Therefore some of the priests wh-o

had been transported from Shomeron returned to Bethel, and taught them how to worship the EVER-L1v1NGi. But they, nation by nation, also

made their own gods, and fixed them in the Houses of Columns which the Shomerites had constructed, nation by nation, in their towns where they resided, , Thus the people of Babel 26 28 made Booths for Girls; the people of Kush made Nergal; the peopleof Khamathj made Ashima, and the 31 Avites made _Nibkaz and Tharthak; and the Sefarvites burnt theirsons in fire to Adramalek and Agmalek, gods of the ·Sefarvites. Yet they 32 is-; the

inserted note of some old editor; probably Ezra or Nehemiah, after the retum from Babylon,-and not A part Qf 1sa1iah's w0rk.~— F. F. 397

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0397

The History of the People of Israel