II Kings - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 398

The History of the People of Israel

17-33 THE MONARCHICAL PERIOD.-II. KINGS. 18-~15 33 wershipped the Evan-uvrwc, but made for themselves priests from the mass of the priests cf the Columns, and also made for themselves temples of Columns. They worshipped the EVER-Lrvmo, and the _ gods they were serving aocording to the customs of the nation from whence they were transported. (e.c. qz6.) W32 §r¤sp`zr¤ns_ Reign 18 nf §2;2kinb alter Quhah. It was in the third year of Hoshea.-

ben-A1ah,king0f Isra.el,thatHezekish- `ben-Ahaz began to reign in judah. He was fifteen years old at his eoronation, and he reigned twenty- nine years in jerusalem, and his mother’s name was Abi, the daughter of Zakeriah. He did right inthe sightof the EvER—L1v1NG, exactly as his ancestor David did. He threw down the Columns, and smashed the Pillars, and cut down the Shrines, and broke up the Brazen Serpent which Moses had made——for until this period the children of Israel offered incense to it·-—but he called it

I The passages from v, 34 to the end of

v, 4o_are clearly a subsequent editorial com- ment of a transcriber, not part of the work of Isaiah, made perhaps by Nehemiah, and iredect the thouhts 0 Isaiah which h eng pie ha copied out. I, t erefore, place them at the foot of the~page.——F.” F. 34 35 37 39 To this day they use their former Theboth worshthE customs. y ip e VER- Lxvme, and practise accor ing to their own Institutions, and according to their usages, and according to the law and commands which the Evan-Lxvxm; com- manded to the sons of jacob, who bears the name of Israel, withwhom the Evan- Livmo made a Covenant, and commanded You shall not worship other gods, nor- bow down to them, nor serve them, norlsacritice to them, but only to he E Who brouh tvsmnxvmc gt-you ug from the land of the Mitzeraim wit great power, and a directing arm, worship Him, and bow to Him, and sacrifice to Him! And the Institutions, and the Decrees. and the Laws, and the Commands, which He wrote forgou guard and Eractise for all times; an worship no ot er gods. Worship theEv1=:n·LxvzNG Goo alone, and He will deliver you from the hand of your enemies! Theh ld not l y, owever, wouisten, except they a so practised their former customs. Thus these heathen worshipped the Evsa- mvmc, yet were serving their idols. ·He adhered to the Even-Livmo Gon of Israel. He never turned from follow~

ing Him, and regarded the Commands that the Evan-Ltvme commanded to Moses; so the EVER- LIVING was with him wherever he went. He acted wisely and revolted from the king of Ashur, and served him not. He conquered the Philish— tim in Gaza and its district, from the fortress of Migdol to the city of Mitzab. But in the fourth year of King

Hezekiah, which was the seventh of H0shea=ben·Alah, king of Israel, Shalmanazer, king of Ashunadvanced to i Shomeron, and besieged it, and captured itat the end of three years; in the seventh year of Hezekiah, which was the tenth year of Hoshea, king of Israel, he captured Shomeron.2 Then the king of Ashur transported Israel to Ashur, and planted them · in Khalakh, and inthe district of the river G0zan,· and the cities of the Medes;3 because they would not listen to the voice of their EVER- L1v1NG GOD, but `transgressed the Covenant, the whole of which had been commanded to Moses, the ser- vant of the EvuR·1.1v1Nc;. But they would not listen, nor obey. (B.<>· 713.) Qertalrlyzrilt Snttabzs guns};. In the fourteenth year of V King

Hezekiah, Seuakherib king of Ashur advanced against all the fortified cities of judah, and seized them. Consequentlyliezekiah ,king of judah , sent to the king of Ashur at Lakish I have done wrong! Return from me, and what you impose upon So the king of Ashur laid upon Hezekiah, king of judah, three hundred talents of silver and thirtytalents of gold. And Hezekiah paid him all the silver found in the IO II I2

1 The following clause in_v. 5, ch. 18, is an

editorial comment. Therefore I put it at the page foot :--· And after him there was none like him among all the kings of judah, or who were before him, who stuck to the Even- mvmo.—~·F. F. The enumeration of the years as they

stand in the Hebrew and A. V. texts are evidently a tmnscriber’s· error. Theseshould as the A. V. has them.——F. F. Their sons and their grandsons do as [ 8 Now Azerbijan and Baku, on the s0uth— their fathers practised to this day. west ofthe Caspian Sear-F. F. 398

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0398

The History of the People of Israel