II Kings - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 408

The History of the People of Israel

25e--5 THE MONARCHICAL PERIOD.——~_II. .KINGS. 25+27 5 thc desert,. But the forces of the Kasidim pursued after the king, and overtook him at the fords of jcrikho, with all his army,who scattered from

6 him. They consequently seized the king, and carried him to the king of Babel at Riblath, and reported to

7 himyfor a decision, when he killed the children of Zedekiah before his eyes~·—·then pulled out the eyes of Zedekiah himself, and bound him in chains and had him carried to Babel

(ac. 588.) §9.2l:1xklyn¤rr2ggar §ixrn¤ tbz @2:::;:12 aah all ieruzalzm. 8 Afterwards, in the seventh of the fifth month, of the nineteenth year of King Nebukhadnezzar, king of Babel, Nebuzaradan came with many slaugh- trers, servants of the king of Babel,

9 to jerusalem, and burnt the house of the Even-ravine, and the Royal Palace, and all the houses of jerusa- lem, and every mansion was burnt

10 with fire. Then all the army of the Kasidim, with the slaughterers, broke down the walls around jerusalem. 11 Nebuzaradan, chief of the slaugh- terers, afterwards transported the remnant of the people of the city, with the deserters who had deserted to the king of Babel, and the rest of

12 the great crowd, However, Nebu- zaradan, chief of the slaughterers, left the lower classes as farmers and diggers. 13 » The Kasidim also broke up the Pillars of brass that were at the House of the EVER-LIVING, and the Bases, and the Brazen Sea which was in the Evan-1.1v1No’s House,

14 and carried the brass to Babel, with the pots, and the brushes, and sprink- lers, and the tongs, and took all the appliances of brass, which were made

:5 use of. The snuffers and scissors that were of gold, for gold, and what were of silver, for silver, the chief of

16 the slaughterers took. And the two Pillars, the Single Sea, andthe Pillars that Solomon made for the House of the Evmz-1,1vmc were not weighed,

17 for they were fabrics of brass. They were eighteen cubits thigh, and stood each with its crown of brass,———and the height of thelcrown was three cubits, with a network, and pome- granates around the crown., The whole of brass, and the second pillar was like it, with its crown. Sariah, the Chief Priest, and Zefa- niah, the Second Priest, and the Commander of the Guard of the Threshold; and from the city he took a eunuch who was stationed over the War Ofiicegand five princes, attendants of the king, whom he found in the city, and the Adjutant General of the Army of the nation, with sixteen from the Parliament of the country, whom he found in the town; Nebuzaradan, Chief I of the Slaughterers, took these and con- ducted them to the king of Babel at Riblath, where the king of » Babel assailed and put them to death in Riblath, in the district of Khamath. Thus he transported judah from its land. But for the remainder of the people in the land of gudah, Nebu- khadnezzar, king of Ba el, appointed over them Gedaliah·ben-Akhiakam— ben-Shafan. 20 2 I 22 (ac. 588.) ®zimliul; Qppuintch tlinhzrnnr. But when the Generals of the 23 forces, they and the Princes, heard that the king of Babel had appointed Gedaliah, they came to Gedaliah at Mitzfah, with Ishmael-ben-Nathan, and yjhonathan -ben- Karakh, , and Sariah-ben~Thankhumeth the Nata- phite, and jazniah-ben-Hamakathi, these and their men, when Geda— 24 liah swore to them and their men, Fear nothing from the officers of the Kasidim who are stationed in the country, who serve and bowed to them. (ac. 588.) ®2hulial) murhzrzh, ani! the §z¤plz Hg to ®ggnt. However, in the seventh month, 25 Ishmael ~ ben·Nathaniah-ben -Ali sha- mah, of the Royal family, came, and ten men with him, and assailed Gedaliah, and killed him, and the giudeans and Kasidim who were with l im at Mitzfah. Then all the people 26 arose, from the least to the greatest, with the omcers of the forces, and went to the Mitzeraim, forthey were afraid of the Kasidim. (1;.0. 562.) ilyuiultim frzzh frnm §ris¤n. In the thirty-seventh year from the 27 18 The Chief Slaughterer also took I transportation of jhoiakim, king of 408

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0408

The History of the People of Israel