I must be mistaken ; so to prove my discovery a fact, I made a rough translation of the whole Book of job in its poetical parts into the same metre, but in English~——and asked him to test it. He did so, was converted to my views, and coming to England for the purpose, assisted me with his rich and accomplished intellect and scholarship to amend and polish the work. I need not go into detail as to how I arrived at the varied measures of the Psalms and the Prophets, and the division of each Ode in them to its proper beginning, end, and stanzas. For ten years I laboured at it upon the same lines, and after repeated versions, all direct from the Hebrew text, I arrived at the present form and results, which I now present to the kindly consideration of the Anglo-British Race in Europe, America, Australia, Africa, India, and wherever its members exist amongst other Peoples. At the urgent request of many friends to my object in making the Word of
God again intelligible to our Race, Ihave given this Preface a somewhat Auto- to let as one of my best friends he added. So I consented. I n this translation my sole object has been to ascertain by my own study
and the aid of the best critics, printed formerly, or who are now living in the body, the exact meaning of the text, and to transfer that meaning to the English language in equivalent words and in the sense we now use them, untrammelled by either tradition or authorities, and without any bias from preconceived theories, or the mystifications of Modern Sceptical Critics of Schools, or the Fads and Myths, or the fashionable of our day, or of any Theological Systems whatever. To make the Bible, and the Bible alone, intelligible has been my single endeavour, without fear or favour to any Systemizers. Three very competent scholars have given me loyal assistance to this end in different parts of the work, one being a clergyman of clear, bold, and original intellect