the Prophets in the form and exact sense of their writings, therefore I have not attempted to lessen the incisive force of their language when denouncing Sin and Vice, Wickeclness and Crime, whether committed byilndividuals or Nations. GOD inspired them with a manly spirit of indignation, and they unhesitatingly depicted ·Sin in its own essentially repulsive, naked, brutality and degradation. They wrote for men, whom they called to a change of mind and practices-·»so who am I, that I-should veil and tone down the hideous picture of men transformed to brutes, until it looks like a pretty plaything for lascivious school-girls, and depraved effeminate dandies, whose unbridled vices seek to justify themselves by lisping mock modesty and sham delicacy, to hide their own depravities from themselves? The ALMIGHTY having inspired I-lis Chosen Messengers to speak plainly, I
have not dared to alter His will, and I believe every honest reader of my translation will approve me. In conclusion, I sincerely thank the Public for the reception they have
given to my former portions of the Bible, and hope, under God’s blessing, the same may be accorded to this, the Third of the Hebro-Chaldee part. The next and Fourth Volume will contain the Psalms, Solom0n’s Works, Daniel and the Later Historians, standing in the order as used by the Editors of the Temple who first collected the Sacred Writers, which I have followed all through my version.