ISAIAH.222628Ouz 2.A Eummi uber Zimr.How could the Chaste City come out as a Harlot?Once Righteousness dwelt there,—~but Murderers now IYour silver is drossy, your wine mixed with water.Your Princes are reoels, Comfedemtes with robbers,Love bribes and seek gifts, not the rights of the helpless,Arid the plea of the widow they bring not before them. says the Life's Prince, the kind Shepherd of Israel,‘ I will clear off the tyrants, and punish My haters.Will turn My hand on you, refine out your dross,And reserving your best will restore as aforetimeYour Stetesmen to govern,Then they will call you the City of }ustice,The Home of the truth;Zion, freed by justice, by Right from her Slavery,While the Wicked are Crushed, and the LORD’S foes defeated,And you blush for the Groves you desired,And feel shemed for the Gardens you chose;When your oak leaves are withered, and gardens unwetered,And your wealthy like tow, and their works like a spark,ODE 3.2 The Event that Isaiah-ben~Amoz foresaw over Judah and jerusalem.Qhrinrz flilnrirz.2 The dags come when the Hill of the Lom>’s House shall stand at the head of theHi s,And rise o’er the Mountains, and to it all the Nations shall gather. Come, let us go up to the House of the Loran!Where jacob‘s Gob dwells, and learn of His ways, and let us all walk in Hisfootpaths!For from Zion will go out the Law, and from jerusalem jehovah's Orders4 As judge between Nations, commanding great peoples, their swords into plough-shares to beat,And their Spears into scythes,—·—nor nation raise sword upon nation, and neverlearn war.Onn 4.2\¤ illirdrzatg in inks};.5 ISAIAH.‘ Why do you, Loan, reject jacob‘s House as your people PT nr; Loran.‘ For they seize on the East, and the Clouds like Philistines,And shake hands with the Children of Strangers;'] And fill up their Country with silver and gold,And their treasures are endless.And they till up their country with horsesAnd their chariots are endless.8 And they till up their country with Idols,The mere work of the hands of a founder,The thing they have made with their fingers;g M en bow,—-·men fall down to what cannot help them}ro ISAIAH.‘ Seek a Fortress, or hide in the dust,From the terrible Loan, and the light of His might.rr The proud men’s eyes shall fall, and the lofty shall bow,-The Lonn only be great in that dayl4 iii