Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 419

The Books of the Prophets

ISAIAH. Cu. 2. Owns 4, 5. Booz I, In thc LORD’s day of power over all proud and high, And cve: everyone lofty or low, And over all Leba¤on‘s proud rising Cedars; And over the Oak~woods of Bashan; And o’cr all the high hills, And all mountains aspiring. And der all castled Buildings, And all Moatcd Forts; And all ships of Tarshish, And all costly displays, To depress human pride, And throw down haughty men. In that day the Loran will be high, and the Idols swept down, And flung to the caves of the rocks and the holes of the dust, To escape the LOR¤’s terrible splendour and might, When He rises to vanquish the earth. Men will then throw their Idols of Silver, And Idols of gold which had filled them with fear, To the burrows of Moles and the Bats, And fly to the clefts of the rocks, and the crags of the peaks, To escape the LOR1:>’s terrible splendour and might, When He rises to vanquish the earth. Ona 5. 3 Warning lu irruzalzuz.

Trust not in Man with his passionate breath; To what good can he plan for himself? For the Prince Evmz—1.1vmG or Hosrs ·• I2 16 :8 20 21 22 jerusalemfs staff will remove, and from judah support ;·- All bread for support, and all water for drink. The General, and man for the war; ludge and Prophet, Consulter and Chief; The Captain, who holds the command, And Adviser, and skilled Engineer, And Contriver of plans, And let boys be their leaders and children to rule, And the People distracted by man against man, And each by his neighbour oppressed; The young by the old, and the low by the high. Then each take his family friend, Robe and be Chieftainfor us ;···· And this Ruin take under your hand l ' But at once he will rise and exclaim, ‘ A Ruler I never can be, With no bread in my house and no Robe, I cannot stand Chief of a tribe! For jerusalem totters, and judah will fall, For their speech and their acts scorn the LORD, With their insults despising His Might. Their expression of face will convict, For as Sodom they boast of their sin, They hide it not !··~—Woe to their soul, When their crime shall return on themselves! they cry: So the fruit of their acts they shall eat Alas for the crime of the bad! .4 i ci II

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0419

The History of the People of Israel