Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 422

The Books of the Prophets

ISAIAH Onzs xo, 11, Boox I. 20 21 22 26 28 CH. 5. Woe! you call evil, Good, and tum Good into evil, And Darkness the Light, and tum Light into Darkness; The Bitter to Sweet, and the Sweet into Bitter! Alas! in your eyes you are wise--—to.y0ur own feces prudent, Woe, you heroes with drunkards, brave men to mix drink! Who for bribes wrong to right, and tum right into wrong, So, as 1ire’s tongue eats chaff, and the flame consumes hay, There shoot shall be scorched, and their bloom iiy as dust, For the Laws of the LORD 0F H0s‘1>s they have despised, And derided the words of the Holy of Israel And so for his people the LOR1>’s anger burnt, So he stretched out his hand over them and has struck; The Hills shook, and their mass was flung into the Squares, And their bulk was like wreck in the heart of the streets! Yet His anger turns not for this, but His hand is extended still l And the Nations from far He will also ronse up, And whistle to them from the bounds of the earth, And look I how they hasten·—now quick they come on! None weary or stumble, they sleep not or slumber, Their belts not unclasped, and their boots not unlaced. Their arrows are sharpened, their bows are all bent, Their horse hoofs are flint, and their car wheels a whirlwind. Like a lion they growl, and they bellow like tigers; They seize prey, and go,—and no one can prevent, Though at them they roar like the roar of the seal Then men will look down to the earth-and behold dark despair, And by its deep gloom the light will seem black. Ons 11. Szdrnhnrinrg glut: leg Zseinly. In the year of King Uzzialrs death,

I saw the Almighty seated upon a high and lofty throne, and His atten- dants filled the Temple. Seraphim stood around Him each

with six wings. With two they covered their faces; with two they clothed their feet; and they flew with two; and one called to the other exclaiming ‘Ho1y, holy, Loan or Hosrs, The Earth is full of Your splen- 4 And the Guards at the doorways trembled at the sound of the Anthem, and a. thick cloud hlled the house. Alas for me! for I shall die! since I am a man of sinful lips, and I live amongst a race of sinful lips l-——Yet I have seen the Royal Loan or Hostrs with my But one from amongst the Sera-

phim flew and took by his hand with the tongs a coal from off the Altar, and touched me on the mouth and said, ‘ Now this has touched your lips

it has removed your frailty, and covered your sins. Then I heard the voice of the LORD

Whom shall I send P and who will go for us ? ’ I II I am here; I will go Go! and say to this People, Hearing, you hear, but never perceive ; Seeing, you see, but never will learn ! io For this People’s heart has grown fat, Deaf-eared, they have blinded their eyes, Lest they see with their eyes, And hear with their ears, Understand with their heart, And turn and he healed l ' ,1 9 7

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0422

The History of the People of Israel