Cu. 5.
Oxms 8, g, xc, Boox I. ISAIAH.
Ov: 8.
Ghz ¥itrcy¤:¤ #f» bis. iriwh;
‘ I will now sing to my Friend, a. lovely song of his vineyard.
My Friend had a beautiful farmou a spur of the Son of Fatness.
He dug it and cleared, and he planted with vines of Sorek,
And a tower he built in the midst, and cut out a Wine·vat· beneath it,
Expectinggtoireap good grapes--but it producedihim only bad ones.
So now ]erusa1em’s dwellers, and you the men. of judea,
judge between me and my farm;
What could I do to my vineyard morethan what I did to it P
When I expected sweet grapes, why hastit borne me these sourlings?
‘ Cut upaand burn its hedge,—-break its fences and let it be trampled.
' Yes! I will lay it waste--not dig or trim,—-let briars and thorns growl
I will command to the clouds not to rain showers upon it.
But the farm of the LoRD 0F H0s’1‘s is the household of Israel,
And the men of ]udea theplant that He loved and I-Ie hoped for ;
He looked to see justice done, but,found,crime; and for kindness oppression
ODE g.
was gzzmuurzk in the 3lmrici¤u¤.
Alas! they add house to house,-·——wide farm to farm,
That alone they may dwell in the heart of the land!
But the LORD OF Hosts whispers to me,
Many great and fair Halls shall be waste,
And no one dwell there l
So ten acres of farm yield a Bath
And five homers of seed an Ephahl
At dawn they rise to seek drink,
Chase wine until eve to intlame them,
There are harp and lute, the drum and the fife.
And wine in the feasts with them,
But no thought of the work of the LORD,
They see not what His hands have made!
By want of knowledge my Race is stripped,
And their nobles destroyed by greed;
And their Masses rage with thirst.
The Grave therefore has roused her soul,
And her mouth she has opened wide,
And high and low rush into it cheering I
But the men shall stoop and women fall
With their haughty eyes Hung low,
When the LORD of Might shall riseto judge.
The Holy Gon decree theiright;
Then lambs shall feed as they desire,
And kids shall graze in the fertile delds.
Ons xo.
§ Warning in Swfzrx.
Woe! you hanlers of Passion by Vanity'sCables;
And Sin with thick ropes like a cart!
Let him hasten,and do his work quickly;
For then we can see it advance!
Let Israel’s Holy One bring out His purpose:
And then we can know it l ’
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