Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 424

The Books of the Prophets

ODES 12, 13, 14, Boox I. ISAIAH. IO II and th0r11s!-—~’1`hey shall also hunt there with bows and arrows, for all the land will be briars and thorns; and upon all the hills that were care- fully cultivated, nothing shall shoot up except thorns and briars, and fodder for bullocks and trampling ODE AND ADDRESS 13. W12 @u¤m uf ynmuznm smh §nmaria. The EvER—1.1v1No said to me, ‘ Take a great tablet and engrave upon it with a human engraver, about ‘rushing to spoil, hastening ’ So I took as truthful witness to myself Auriah the Priest, and Zakariah·ben—]eberekhiah. Then I married the Poetess and she 12 16 18 conceived and bore a son; and the Cn. 7.

Call his name Quick-rush~to·spoi1-and- Plunder, for before the lad learns to say ‘ My father and mother} the loot of Damask, and the plunder of Shomeron shall be carried to the presence of the King of Ashur l ’ And the Loan continued, com- manding me to say further; ‘Since those people despise the

water of a quiet flowing stream and delight in Retzin and Ben·Remeliah, the ALM1cn·rv will, be sure, bring upon them the flood of a great rushing river——the King of Ashur and all his Warriors,-—and it will march over all their brooks andiall their banks. Then the Hood will pass onwards to jndea, and reach to the neck; but your land shall be the full stretch of his wings;


3’¤r ®¤h is init}; xml Collect together you Nations, But you shall be broken ! Listen Lands at a distance; Arm yourselves,—but you shall be broken! Arm yourselves,—but you shall be broken! Decide a united scheme,-~discuss a plan It shall not succeed for God is with us! For thus has said my LIVING GOD, Who holds me with His hand, \Vho kept from walking in the path This people take, and said : Conflrm no treaty with all whom The People wish to treat; Nor fear their dread and terror, The LORD 0F HOSTS revere and fear, He was your trust and hope, He was the one revered, Now stumbling block and rock to fall On both of ‘Israel’s homes, And to ]erusalem’s men a snare, In them shall many stumbling fall, Be broke and snared and caught. Annnsss 14. @32 Qlruplyzt warns his Qlstiuu uf u yuuislymzut {ur its Sins. Bind up the evidence;-—impress

the Law upon my Students, and I will wait for the Even-Livmc Who has hidden His face from the House of jacob ;—-—but I will wait for Him ; for I, and the children the EVER- L1v1NG· has given to me, are signs and warnings to Israel from the LORD oF,I—IOs‘1‘s dwelling on Mount Zion. Come to the Raisers of Spirits, and to those taught by therWhisperers and the ~—should not a People rather go to its GOD ?-—·—to the Living? not to the Dead ?-——to the Law and its

Evidence P--lf they do not speak in accordancewith it,·—there is no day- break for them; but a passing over 20 21

1 Ch. 8, v. 7. T his last clause of v. 7 can

and it will advance over all their strongholds and all ,their.fortiiica· the Prophet using a puzzling equivoque as he often does. 424

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0424

The History of the People of Israel