Cn. 10.
17, Bocx I.
Shall no more be relying upon their cppressor,
But in truth trust ]EHOvAH thc Holy of Israel,
And the fragment of Israel return to his Powerful GOD.
Though Israel, your People are like to the sea-sands,
The rest will return when washed pure and clean,
The rest will come to Him, like perfect washed gold.
For the GREAT LORD of Hosts will perfect and refine,
The Works He will do in the breast of the earth.
Therefore thus says the Lone Evmz—uv1Nc ·oF_ Hosrs,
Fear not Ashur, My People in Zion who dwell ;
Though his rod and staff strike, as they served you in Mitzer;
For My anger and wrath will end in his destruction,
When the LORD OF HOSTS swings up about him his lash
Which He used upon Midian beside Oreb’s rock,
And His rod which He raised at the Sea against Mitzer,
And on that day his load shall be rolled off your shoulder,
And his yoke from your neck, and the yoke chafe be healed.
‘ He has come upto Arath,—-·passed over to Migron,
And he has at Mikmash reviewed all his armies;
Has crossed by the Passes, and rests at Low Giba.
Now Ramah tremb1es,—·-Saul’s Gibeth has Bed l
‘ 3 .et your voice shriek Beth—Galim, that Laish may hear it:
Alas Q poor Anathoth, Madmena is shaken ;
The Hill—men fly from him;-·he now stands on Nob,
Shakes his fast at Beth·Zion, ]erusalem’s Hills l ’
THE Pkornsr.
Now the great LORD OF HOSTS cuts his branch with a rush
And his high top, out 0H, on the mountains is strewn;
And with iron he goes round his forests, and Leba.non’s glory will fall.
Then a Branch will shoot out from the Stock of jessai
And a. Shoot from his roots will spring up,
And upon Him the Spirit of Life will remain,
And the Spirit of Wisdom, and Spirit of., Foresight,
With the Spirit of Counsel and Power,
The Spirit of Knowledge and Fear of the LORD ;
And being inspired by the Fear of the LORD,
He will never decide by the glance of the eyes,
Nor punish by rumour that comes to His ears,
But He, by the Right will decide for the weak,
And with justice will strike for the poor of the Earth.
By the rod of His mouth He will conquer the world,
And its Wickedness slay by the breath of His lips.
For Righteousness will be the belt of His waist,
And the Truth shall engirdle His robe!
Then the Wolf shall reside with the Lamb,
And the Leopard lie down with the kid,
And the Calf, and the Tiger and Lion agree,
And a little child lead them about.
And the Cow and the Bear will be friends,
And together their children shall lie,
And the Lion eat hay like the Ox l
Then the Infant can play at the hole of the Asp,
And even lay hand on the den of the Adder,
They shall not hurt or harm on all My Holy Hill,
Norse-—Ch.xo, v. 28. At this vcrseascout preaching, and gives his terrified report of
is supposed to arrive while the Prophet ls the Assyrian advance.