Cns. xg, zo.
Oxms 24, 25, Book I.
Aias! Z0an’s Princes are fools,
Phara.0h’s wisc Counsellors, counsel like bmtes !
Why say you to Pha.moh—-you sons of the Wise,
‘ I descend from thc Kings of the East 2
Where now are your wise ? let them tell you and teach
What the LORD OF HOSTS plans against Mitzer!
Zoa.¤’s nobles are fools,-·a11d Noph’s Princes deceivers,
And the Heads of the Tribes mislead Mitzer.
In their breast the LORD mingles a spirit perverse,
And Mitzer in all her acts staggers,
As staggers a vomiting druukard,
And nothing that Mitzer may do
Is done well to the point to prevent or avert her distress.
At that period Mitzer shall be
Like a woman, and tremble and fear,
At the LORD OF HOSTs’ threatening hand,
T hat He shakes over her.
]udah’s land shall bring terror to Mitzer,
All who name it will fear for himself,
Because of the plans that the LORD OF THE Hosts,
Has prepared against her l
Then {ive towns in the Mitzerite's land
The language of Canan will speak,
And swear by the Loma or THE Hosrs,
The Town of Salvation I
Then an Altar will be to the Loiw
In the midst of the land of M1‘1‘z’RAxM,
And a Column set up to the LORD on its bounds,
As a mark and a guide to the Lonn or run Hosts
When they cry inthe land of Mitz’raim to the LORD,
Who will send them a Saviour from tyrants,
When to Mitzer the LORD will be taught,
And the Mitzeraim acknowledge the LORD.
And then Mitzer will serve Him with offering and gift,
And vow vows to the LORD and perform.
Thus the LORD will strike Mitzer a stroke,
But heal her and turn to the LORD ;
And to Him they will cry-and He heal them.
Then a way shall be made from the Mitz’1·aim to Ashur,
To join Mitzer to Ashur, and Ashur to Mitzer;
And Mitzer and Ashur will worship together,
And Israel with Mitzer and Ashur a triad,
She shall bless in the land that the LORD OF HOSTS blesses,
Bless Mitzer His People, and Ashur His work, '
And Israel His own.
Annaass 25.
illsuinly Qliuixnxmnhzb in gu jllalwh.
In the year that Tartan advanced
against Ashdod, to which Sargon the
king had sent him, and assaulted
Ashdod and captured it, atthe same
time the command of the EvER~
LXVING came to Isaiah-ben~Amoz to
Gol take the sack from your
waist, and pullyour shoes off your
feet, and having done so, walk naked
and barefoot.
As. My
servant Isaiah will go naked and
barefoot for three years as a sign and
index against Mitzeraim,and Kush,