Cas. zo, 2;.()¤1·;s 25, 26, 27, 28, Boox I. the same way tl1esKing of Ashurwill drive the captives of Mitzeraim,and routed of Kush, young and old,naked and barefoot, and I will uncoverthe buttocks of Mitzer’s shame. Then the inhabitants of this coast
10will be terrified and depressed aboutKush their Hope, and about Mitzertheir boast, and say, ‘ See what our 6Hope is, to which we flew, to help toshield us from the King of Ashur!Now how can we escape ? 'ODE 26.Glibz Quant ui the 52:1-@_zzzti.Isamu.‘ As sweeping Whirlwinds from the south,Bring terror tothe Desert land,A fearful scene unfolds to me;The robberrobbed, the spoiler spoiled!‘ Come to me E1am+press on Medes,I am convulsed with torture!My waist is filled with anguish,Pains seize me, pains of childbirth,I am torn up, I cannot hear,I cannot see for torment!My heart Hutters,—-terrors shake,The eve I loved is turned to horror!Bm.sHAzzAR.' Prepare the board, spread out the feast,Eat, drink}Tim Pnovunr.Rise, Generals, take your shield.Thus says ALM1Gm·Y Gon to me,Go set the Watch, report his news}He saw a two—horsed chariot,A chariot ass, and camel car;He_ looked and looked a piercing look,——- I look out from my post;My Lord, I stand throughout the dayAnd all the night I guard my tower;And now I see a chariot come,A man and team, who shouts;And cries, *Has fallen, fallen Babel!Her Idol Gods are Hung to- earth lTHE Paopam.‘ That is my harvest in my barn IWhat the Loan or Hosts has shown me,Israe1’s GOD, I tell to you.ODE 27.mj: Message in Quinn!}.He called tome from Seir,I!‘ Watchman, what to-night?
Watchman, what to-night?Answer Watchman !Morning comes, and follows nightIf you·seek it,·——seek it.-—Go,——and come again lOna 28.Gil): gllilzsuagz in §Z\ral¤ia.At eve rest in the wood, caravans of Dodanirn ;To the thirsty bring water, bring bread to the dying,436