Ouzs gr, 32, Boox I.
Cas. 23, 24.
For HB points Hi; 1{md j0_the sga, and her empire shakes;
‘ 1..0121) orders to break down her mercantile towers, “
Says Triumph no more, drunken dau hte: of Tarshishi
Rise! pass over to Kithim,-—··and there gud no rest.
Howl, you ships of Tarshish! your harbour is desert; '`
And 1zur is forotten
§for seventy years, _ Like the days 0 a king,—-but the seventy years ended
‘ Take a harp,-··~walk the Town,—11ow, you harlot forgotten,
Sing sweet roundels to call your remembrance to min d.
At the seventy years end, that the LORD laid on '1`zur,
She will love the whore’s wages and seek prostitution
With all the Earth’s Kingdoms on face of the land!
But her Trade and the Wealth will belong to the Lorm,
Nor treasured or stored, and be for the LORD’s People,
Wealth for food to content, and for beautiful robes l
Ona 32.
W12 Zbsnlaiiurt nf iuhcn furetnlh.
See! the Land the LORD dispeoples,
Pours it out, with face reversed,
And its population chases!
Alike with Priest and with the Layman,
With the Master and his Slave,
With the Waitress and her Mistress,
With the Buyer and the Seller,
With the Lender and the Borrower,
Mortgagor and Mortgagee!
The Land shall be quite emptied,
And contemptuously despised,
For the Loki) decrees this sentence!
'lhe Land falls down exhausted,
Its fainting people swoon;
The country’s nobles faint!
The Land her people loathes,
Who break the laws, and change decrees,
Despise the Eternal Treaty.
So a curse eats up the Land,
And the dwellers in it waste;
Its people bum the land,
And but few of men remain.
Grapes mourn,—·the vinestock faints,
The merry hearted groan.
The sound of drums is still,
The shout of pleasure fails,
The sounding harp is silent
They drink not wine with song,
Wine saddens those who drink.
The broken Town is still,
Each empty house is shut!
The streets cry out for wine,
I think this portion of a stanza, which is un-
Ch. 23, v. I3.
connected with what precedes and follows,
‘ See the land of the Kasdim,-——
are three lines misplaced by an old tran-
Till Ashur built her for wild—tribes, soriber from another psalm, so I put them as
a footuote.·-F. F.