Onns 32, 33, 34, Boox I. ISAIAH.Cus. 24, 25.16182021222325All pleasure is athirst.Mirth ceases from the land IThe Town is left a waste,Destruction broke its gate!Amid the land it stands,A stripped Olive in the tribes,Which they glean at harvest’s endlOm; 33.Eb: (Blair iizsiuratimr uf israel fnrztulit.Now they raise a sound of cheering,From sea they praise the GLORIOUS Loan.The Loma with splendour they are honouringIn the Islands of the Sea,]ehovah’s Name, the Gob of Israel,From the Wings of Earth they sound,Swelling psalms to Him the '1`ruthful.Then I cried, Alas my leanness!Woe to me l for plunderers plunder,And the robbers plundering rob lConfusion, and the trap and snare,Are on the people of our landlAnd they who fly from '1Terror’s voice,Fall in the trap IAnd those who creep from out the trap,The lassoes catch lFor windows from on high are opened,And the earth’s foundations shake !And the land with crashing crashes,And the land with breaches breaks!Tottering land meets ground that totters,Staggering earth like drunkard staggers,And napping, quivers like a tent;And her crimes are heavy on her,Shewill fall, nor rise again IAt that time theLORD will visit,From His Seat the Proud on high,And on earth, the Kings upon earth;And collect the crowd of captives,To the cells and shut up safe,But after many days will punish.Then the Moon shall veil her features,And the Sun shall be obscured,When the Loan or Hosirs is KingIn jerusalem on Mount Zion,Attended by His Chiefs in glory!Ons 34.Qt qpznlm ui dilyanhzgihing in 6nir fur ilziizzming israel.My Gon, EVER-LIVING, I highly exalt You,Praise Your Name for designing Your wonderful plans,With steadfastness settled through far-reaching ages,To throw down a City and ruin its fortress,The Palace of strangers cast out of the_City,_.For never again to be built.440