Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 441

The Books of the Prophets

Cris. 25, 26. Orms 34, 35, 36, 37, Boox I. ISAIAH. S0 the great People praise, the fierce Nations will fear You, For You strengthened the weak, To the poor were a refuge, A refuge from Tyrents, a shelter from ruin, When fierce blasts struck their Wall, And by heat in the desert threw down roaring despots, The T yrants oppressed by the heat without cloud. Then the GREAT Loma will make for all tribes on this Hill, A feast rich with marrow and well-prepared dainties, And grape juice well thickened by age; And remove on this Hill the Veil veiling the Tribesmeu, And the Covering that covers it from all the Heathen ; And *he LORD EVER-LIVING destroy death for ever, And wipe tears from each face ; And turn from the earth the reproach of His People: So the LIVING L1FE`says! We will trust in our GOD, In that LIFE we will trust, for He only can save, In His Victory exult and be glad! ' IO For the LORD‘S power rests on this Hill, And beneath it will tread Moab down as wet straw is trod into dung; rx And strike out his hands from his breast, As stretches the swimmer to swim, And pull down his pride by the clutch of his hands, And lay low the high walls of his Fort, His pride throwing down to the dust of the earth! ODE 35. §uhal;’s §¤ng uf iiirtnrg.


In that day shall this Song be sung in ]udah's land ;

‘ In our strong Town salvation sits as Walls and force. Unclose the Gates and let march in the Nation guarding Truth; 2 Prepare it rest, prepare it peace ;—·-for peace it trusts in you. ‘ Trust in the LORD for evermore, Whose L1v1NG·L1FE for ever guards. 4 He threw the lofty from on high, the haughty City down. He threw her down upon the earth, He struck her to the dust. And now the foot shall tread her down, the poor men’s feet depress. 6 Straight is the path for righteous men, You smooth the good man’s road; 7 Such, LORD, the path of Your decrees ;———we trust upon Your Name. 8 `My soul reflects upon Your acts;-—·my soul is rapt at night, My spirit seeks,You at the dawn, to find Your teachings clear, To teach the peoples of the World, to purify the Earth} One 36. Surrnlu fur the wicket. ro ‘ The Wicked pitied learn not good, They stray upon the open ground, Nor see the Even-L1v1Ne’s sign. 1 r They see not, LORD, Your lifted hand ; But spiteful men shall see and fall, _ When {ire consumes Your. foes. Om: 37. A Qllraggr fur gBi¤cz.


‘ Oh l EVER-LIVING, grant us peace; For You accomplished all our works, Our EVER1LIVING· GOD. 44*
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0441

The History of the People of Israel