Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 443

The Books of the Prophets

Omzs 4u, 41, 42, Boox I. ISAIAH. Cas. 27, 28. ODE 40. Eb: §.rumi¤z in Qual:. The shoots from ]a.cob’s root will grow, And Israel bloom and bear, and fill the Earth with fruit. Has he struck him, as struck his strikers, Or slain him as his slayers slew him ? You sent him chastiscmcqt in measure, You pleaded, sighing, to his mind, When bringing on the fierce Ez•.st—windl By this will ]acob’s sin be cured ; Its evil fruit be set aside; His stone Altars burnt and turned to lime, Nor Groves and Idols raised again. Ons 41. my: Qkilimisbmziti uf Eimt. S0! the Great City is empty; a homestead forsaken,-····· And bare like e. pasture where cattle can browse, And lie there consuming its shoots. To her dry broken boughs women came seeking fuel, For her people would never reiectl So their Maker spares not, nor their Former has pity. But when the time of the LORD’s thrashing comes, He will reap from the River} to Mitzer’s Blue Stream, And glean up Israel’s sons one by one from among them; And when on that day the Great Trumpet is sounded, The Wanderers shall come from the country of Ashur, And those who had fied to the Mitzeraim’s country, Will in jerusalem bow on the LoRD’s Holy Hill. Ona 42. @m¤uxtriug The *i¤ (Ephraim. Woe to the proud Crown of drunken Ephraim ! And the beautiful bloom of its withering Bowers, On the Head of the rich Valley sleeping in Wine! See that bold and strong Master, like fierce cutting hailstorm, Like whirling seas, flings by his hand to the ground : With his feet he will trample that crown of the pride Of Drunken Ephraim ! And the fading flower crown, on the rich Valley’s Head, Like the early ripe figs that a gazer beholds, Shall fall ere they come to his hand. Then the Loan or Hosrs will be a glorious turban, And beautiful crown to His People remaining; A Spirit of justice, to those who trust justice, And Ruler to those who drive War from the gate; IO II I2


Though they staggered through wine, and through liquor they reeled. — 7 Priest and Prophet have staggered, by Drunkenness swallowed I Yes! reeled in their wine ;—·—yes! in drunkenness staggered, With their eyesight distorted from right.

Therefore their tables are filled with their vomit, That no place is clean. always means the Euphrates 443

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0443

The History of the People of Israel