42, Boox I.Cn. :8.IOI II2182021222628Tm: Rzrnonnas.‘ To whom is he preaching? To whom giving lessons?To children just weaned fromthe milk of the breast?For it is order on order, with line upon line,A crumb here, a crumb there? ’Pnornar.‘ Yes! for with laughing lips, and with slow movingtongue,To this people He speaks IWho said to them ‘ This is the Palace of Rest,Give rest to the weary, for here is refreshment}But they would not come to hear!So the Word of Life to them is, ‘ Order, on Order,And Line upon Line.-~a crumb here, a crumb there}--So they go and fall backward, are lamed, trapped and taken.Therefore, hear scornful jesters, the Word of the Loma,You who rule in jerusalem over this Race,Who say, ‘ We recorded a Treaty with Death,With the Pit made provision for out—bursting flood.lf it sweeps out, it comes not to us, but dries up,We are safe, and in cunning can hide l‘ Therefore thus says the Master of Life,-·‘ Look on Me;I will iix a stone up in Zion,A chosen stone perfectly set,Imrnovably fixed in the Truth,Fixed truly by line, and exactly by plummet;But hail shall throw down all the refuge of lies,And Hoods wash your den, and abolish your treaty with Death,And your League with the Pitwill not stand in the rush,When it passes and you are trod down IIt will seize, as it passes, on you,As the Dusk and Dusk passes to Morn or to Night,And will come on with terror to sight and to hearing!For the floor is too short for the bed,And the wrapper too narrow to fold,When, as at Mount Fratzim, the Lomb will arise,As at Gibeon’s Valley to work His intent,To effect His fierce work, and His purpose complete,And to work for His servants, the servants He owns.So give up your sneering, lest harder your sentence,For clear and decided I hear the ALMIGHTY,The Loan on Hosts, sentence the earth.‘ Give ear tolmy voice,-·hear my words with attention,The plowman plows daily and harrows his land for the grain;When level its surface, sows he not the Pepper,And scatters the Cummin, and drills in the Wheat,And sows atso the Barley and Oats in their place?For Goo has instructed and taughthim reflection.Then not with an Engine the pepper he thrashes,Or over the cummin he turns the ox wheel,But beats Pepper withistaves, and the Cummin with flails,Grinds for meal, for the thrasher beats not to perfection,And the bullock turned rollers and hoofs crush it not.This also comes from the LORD of all powers,In purpose the Wondrous, the Great in ef£ectl’444